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  1. Does your Torah include the Haftarah and New Covenant readings? Any commentary or teachings included in your Torah?

  2. The Glossary lists Hesed as the Hebrew word for ‘Way’ in this Bible, but Strong’s Concordance lists derek as the word for it. Can anyone explain the difference and why one would be correct and the other not, please?

  3. Please read & send prophesy by Robin D. Bullock on Elijah Streams, August 27, 2024, to Pastors across the US who have a passion for God’s heart. To be read over their congregations.

  4. Hi there,

    Great news! The ZLibrary project is back, now at our new domain: zlibrary(dot)ac.

    Check out our extensive collection of books for free. Enjoy a seamless, user-friendly experience with access to millions of titles.

    Visit us at zlibrary(dot)ac and start your reading journey today!

    Best regards,
    ZLibrary Team

  5. Can you explain the use of WATERFALL in Dueteronomy 33:2
    The masoretic text has fiery law?

  6. I bought a One New Man Bible a little while ago. It’s a secondary bible for me. I just noticed that page 1564 and 1565 in Colossians, they are double printed and unreadable. Please let me know if I have any options. It shows 9th printing in 2017. Thank you.

  7. Is there a One New Man Bible app? I would love to have it on my phone and iPad. I really don’t use any other version anymore. If so, please tell me where I can get it. Thank you.

  8. Why is the word chaos only mentioned in One New Man bible? Why is there no concordance for One New Man bible? What is actual meaning of the Hebrew word, chaos?

  9. Is this Bible version available digitally?

  10. I am a pastor in Rogers, Arkansas and I love this Translation.
    I pray that Brother Morford is doing well, he is in my prayers.
    God bless you all.

  11. I appreciate this Bible and use it as a reference book. Therefore I have not used it on a regular basis. But the binding is coming undone and massive amount of pages are coming loose. What would you suggest.

    • Hi Deborah,
      Thank you for buying the One New Man Bible! We don’t show any record of your name or email address. Can you tell me where you purchased the One New Man Bible and when? Also, can you send an image of the Bible where the pages are coming loose?
      Our bindings are Smyth-Sewn (the page signatures are sewn together), so it would be helpful to understand what you are experiencing.
      Thanks and Blessings,

      • Hi Steve ,

        Sorry for such a late reply. I purchased the Bible in a store in Calgary Alberta. I have many Bibles and none have ever done this. I am unable to attach any photos to this reply. Can you suggest another way?

      • What has happened to Acts 8:37? I thought the KJV was bad enough to drop verses. And although I love my One New Man, now I have disappointment. And there is nothing in the footnotes either. This omitting should have been explained. Acts 8:37 KJV — And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

      • Hi Steve, still have not had a reply since December.

        Thank you,

      • Deborah,
        You can send the damaged Bible back via postal service to True Potential, PO Box 904 Travelers Rest, SC 29690 USA for a replacement.
        Thanks and Blessings,

      • Have you, or will you be publishing the One New Man Bible in large text. For many of us as we age our eyes are not as good, and I can no longer read mine. I miss it….

  12. I ordered a one new man bible to be delivered to a friend – but she has still not received it. Can you tell me the status please? Purchaser name: Dianna Chautin, recipient is Dana Rodgers-Bailey

  13. I am enjoying my Bible on the Kindle! Thank you for making an ebook version available.
    I have a question relating to Mark 2:3.
    Why is the word “men” used? My research didn’t reveal a word(s) indicating that the friends who brought the paralytic were only male.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Hi!
      I am reading Hosea 12 and there is a part of verse 1 that reads, “but Judah still rules with God and is faithful to the Holy One”. No other version has this and there aren’t any footnotes to explain. And then Verse 3 reads, “The LORD also has a controversy with Judah and will punish Jacob according to his ways”. The two seem to contradict each other. Please help in providing clarity on the meanings.
      Thank you!

      • I am seeing that what is Ch 12 verse 1 in the ONM is Ch 11 verse 12 in other translations. However, the other translations are not consistent. Meaning some say “unruly” and others say “rule with”. So your assistance is still needed and appreciated.

  14. I corrected my previous question Matthew 6:12 is the correct verse. Please disregard previous question.

    I have a question regarding a term in the Gospels.
    “You Must” is used many times which reads to me as a demand.
    “Must” is used anytime a request or command is stated in the 4 Gospels.

    I have not seen this in any other translations. Please explain.

    The note(5) on Matthew 6:12 States this can be spoken only when we have covenant relationship God.

    Would you expound on this as my western mindset is not understanding.

  15. I have a question regarding a term in the Gospels.
    “You Must” is used many times which reads to me as a demand.
    “Must” is used and anytime a request or command is stated in the 4 Gospels.

    I have not seen this in any other translations. Please explain.

    The note(5) on Matthew 2:12 States this can be spoken only when we have covenant relationship God.

    Would you expound on this as my western mindset is not understanding.

    • The Smyth binding that is to last a life time, has not held up to its claim. My bible is falling apart. Only the front is holding up. The synthetic leather also is so worn. I know you are trying to hold down cost, but a better made leather one will hold up I would hope. I use mine daily its makes and notes in it. A family member has one, barely uses theirs yet rye synthetic leather is looking worn just by setting on a shelf. William has done nice work and a shame that the outside cover doesn’t hold up. Is there a supplier that has a pure leather or hard back?

  16. Good morning
    Mr. Morford I pray you are well. I have a question for you. In 2 Chronicles 36:9 it says Jeholachin was eight years old when he reigned as King. In some other translations it says eighteen years old. This is a discrepancy to me. Could you please explain this to me?

    Thank you,
    Michelle Penney

  17. I loved the one new man bible App I used the audio all the time, now when I go into the app it says it is canceled. Why? Will you be returning it any time soon?

  18. So far I am loving my new Bible, thank you! BUT Joel 2:28-32 is not in the translation, why? I am curious as to why this was omitted. Everything has been carefully footnoted by I have failed to find an explanation of this omission.

    • Shalom Nancy,

      Thank you for writing. All the verses of Joel are in Ine One New Man Bible. The Masoretic Hebrew Text has the verses you are looking for in Joel chapter three.

      Blessings, Bill

      • Shalom Bill,

        Thank you so very much for responding and letting me know where to find the verses. I purchased a One New Man Bible for each of my seven children as well, because of the rich and easy to understand writing. I will be sure to pass on the extra help.


        • Shalom Nancy,

          Thank you for writing this endorsement. That is greatly appreciated for my life’s work. I am now 90, still writing commentary.

          Blessings, Bill

      • Received so much from power translation..thank you!


          • Paul was a tent maker but didn’t it translate only as a leather maker and saddle maker?

        • I love this reply!!

    • I saw a post about Joel 2:28 you will find that verse in Chapter 3.

  19. Shalom Bill,

    Please clarify the woman in Number 12:1 footnote (4) The Ethiopian woman (Cushite) that Moses married is not the same woman Zipporah whose father, Jethro was from Midian is she?
    Land of Midian and Ethiopia are not of the same land are they and Moses was married to two different women, Yes?

    • Shalom Allen,

      Thank you for writing. Moses was married to one woman who had an ancestor who was an Ethopian. That does not mean she was born in Ethopia or that both her parents were both Ethiopian.

      Blessings, Bill

    NIGERIA 234002

    Dear beloved in Christ
    my name is ify i was a church goer until one of my friend invited
    me to a crusade after the sermon on the crusade ground my understanding was opened then
    i realized that i am a lost sinner that need to seek for forgiveness so i repented of my sins and gave
    my whole life to Christ Jesus right now Jesus is my lord and messiah i did not
    stop i went ahead telling other friends and people about Jesus and my new life and Christ saving grace and to the
    glory of God 271 brothers and sister gave their lives to Christ
    we all are now born again Christians and we believed that Jesus is the son
    of God and savior of the word
    our problem now is that we all don’t have bibles to read Gods word
    we have made some contacts and they were unable to help us for bibles so we need your help dear beloved please kindly send to 272
    of us 272 seventy two complete holy bibles and literature’s through
    the above address by M-BAG SEA MAIL
    we all are ready too go out there with our bibles win and lead other lost souls to Christ
    God will bless you as you help us for our bible needs amen
    yours all in Christ
    bro ify ambus and friends

    • Shalom Shambu,

      Thank you for telling us about your ministry. What you are doing is wonderful, a great blessing to know about. To send the 271 bibles would would cost me well over $10,000 – which is way beyond my ability. I am not rich! There are US ministries that can provide bibles for you, so search for those and you will find them. They will be happy to provide the bibles.

      Blessings, Bill

      • It is a scam unfortunately. I received just now a copy paste of the same text by email.

  21. Hi this translation is great. I noticed a difference between this translation and other translations in that it gives the impression in 1 Cor 11:4-5 that it is referring to length of hair rather then a literal head cover such as a shawl or the like for women. The head covering for women is a big controversy now a days. I wonder how the author of this translation came to that conclusion that it refers to the length of hair only and not the other. If this translation is correct, and I hope it is, it will clear this whole issue up since there is no actual peace of clothe a woman will have to cover her head with in a church service or when a congregation meets together. Whether it is considered to mean culturally or not is besides the point then, because there was no need to cover the head with an object such as a shawl. Can anyone shed some light on this? I like to know how he got to this conclusion.

    • Shalom Monique,

      The passage you ask about is about hair length, with verses 5 & 6 saying if her head is uncovered it is the same as if she had been shaved. That means if her hair had been clipped, cut, it was the same as being shaved. The style in the first century Roman world was for women to have very long hair and men to have very short hair. Paul was stating that custom in 1 Corinthians 11. All the doctrines about cloth on a woman’s head came centuries later.

      Blessings, Bill

  22. in December 2016 a group of us purchased a copy of One New Man for a friend as a gift at a Conference. in Devon, UK.
    For a very good reason she did not open it to read until this month, June 2019. She was shocked to discover that the pages which should have contained the Letter to the Romans contained only blank pages.

    Can we please have a replacement copy or a refund of the price we paid – about £40. to purchase another copy?

    I completed a comment last week when she first told me, but have not heard back from you yet.

    • Shalom Mrs. Threlfall,

      I Thank you for writing. I am sending this request to the publisher.

      Blessings, Bill

    • Hello Mrs. Threlfall,
      I’m sorry to hear that your friends Bible includes some blank pages. That’s very odd, we haven’t experienced this in 75,000 Bibles (praise the Lord), but I’m sure it is possible. The Bibles are printed in 32-page signatures (a very large piece of paper that includes 32 Bible pages – 16 front and 16 back). If a blank sheet was to have somehow been introduced after printing and before binding, 32 blank pages could be possible. Could you send a photo of the blank pages for forwarding to our printer?
      You say that the Bible was purchased in 2016 but not opened until 2019? That would at least give us a clue as to when the Bible was printed.
      Thanks and Blessings,

  23. Why in Matt. 28:19 were the words, “in my name” omitted, when they are clearly written in Eusebius’ writings, and were clearly used by the Apostles? Just “make disciples” could be disciples to anything! “IN MY NAME” denotes disciples to Yeshua Messiah. Was the author trying to make this more user friendly to Jews by omitting “IN MY NAME” and thus distorting the meaning of this verse? VERY DISAPPOINTED, what else will I find misinterpretated?

    • Shalom Carolyn,

      Thank you for writing. The verse Matt. 28:19 is translated according to what Matthew wrote. The other words were added in 325 AD at the insistance of Constantine. See Matthew 28:19 in Glossary. Eusebius wrote that he opposed the emperor on adding those words.

      Blessings, Bill

    • I need more information on seven levels of heaven noted in Scripture. The names are :Dok ,Rakia, Shechakim,Zevul,Maon, Machon,and Aravot.

      • Shalom Archie,

        Thank you for writing. For more information on the seven levels of Heaven, read the article “Heavens” in Glossary.

        Blessings, Bill

  24. Sir, can I please know what is the connection between the name Jehovah and I am that I am. In other words, Good gave His name to be I am. So why Moses uses Jehovah later on and booty this name, I am??

    • Shalom Gabriel,

      Thank you for writing, First, Jehovah is not the best transliteration of the Tetragrammatan. The transliteration of the I AM is ehyeh.

      Blessings, Bill

      • So, sir, are you saying that It should be eaten else where also or at other places it is Jehovah only or YHWH??

        • Shalom Gabriel,

          Ehyeh is the transliteration for I AM in Exodus 3:14. The transliteraation should be of whichever Hebrew word is used in the verse you are quoting. Jehovah is not a good transliteration of the tetragrammaton.

          Blessings, Bill

    • I’m thinking of getting the One New Man bible, however there are certain things I’m looking for in a bible translation. Before I buy, can you please send me a few specific passages so I can see if the translation will suit me? I would like to see how you translate:

      Genesis 6: 1-4
      Deuteronomy 32: 8-9
      Job 1:6
      Psalm 82 (the whole chapter please)
      Ezekiel 28: 12

      If you can’t share the verses request, maybe you could tell me the source. Is it translated from the masoretic texts, the dead sea scrolls, what is the original source?

      I really am interested in buying this version, but I believe the bible is trying to tell us more than just what is on the surface of the text, if you would please share the few passages with me, I would love to know if this translation is for me.

      • Shalom Steve,

        The Hebrew text is the Masoretic.

        Genesis 6.1. And it was, when man began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2. that the sons of the leaders saw the daughters of men, that they were fair and they took them for wives of all whom they chose. 3. And the LORD* said, “My spirit will not struggle forever with man, since he is but flesh. And his days will be one hundred twenty years.”
        6:4. There were giants in the earth in those days and also after that, when the sons of the leaders came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty, macho, men who, from old, were men of bad reputation.

        Deut. 8. When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the borders of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel. 9. For the LORD’s* portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.

        Ezek. 28:12. Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre and say to him, Thus says Adonai, the LORD*, You are the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

        Psalm 82:1. A psalm of Asaf. God stands in the congrega¬tion of the mighty. He judges among the gods.
        2. How long will you judge un¬justly and accept the presence of the wicked? Selah.
        3. Defend the poor and father¬less! Do justice to the afflicted and needy!
        4. Deliver the poor and needy! Rescue them from the land of the wicked!
        5. They do not know, neither will they understand. They walk on in darkness, all the foundations of the earth are moved.
        6. I AM has said, You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High. (John 10:34)
        7. But you will die like men and fall like one of the princes.
        8. Arise, O God! Judge the earth, for You will gain Your inheritance among all the nations.

        Job 1:1:6. Now there was a day when the children of God came to present themselves before the LORD*, and Satan also came among them. The footnote says that Satan was there to accuse the children of God.

        Blessings, Bill

        • Thank you for the speedy reply, and for sharing the verses. Although this brings up further questions if I may.

          I think your reading of Psalm 82 is beautiful, but based off that, what made you feel that using ‘elohim’ in Gen 6:4 as ‘leaders’ when elohim refers to non-physical beings?

          Also, Job 1:6. Thank you for the footnote, it helps a little, but I thought ‘satan’ in hebrew is not ‘Satan’ the prince of darkness. I was under the impression that satan was a title of sorts for the accuser. The way satan is used throughout the old testament is not consistant in any translation, so I just wanted your take on that.

          I’m still learning in my walk, so please correct me if I am wrong. Thank you again for your time sir.

          • Shalom Steve,

            When you have the One New Man Bible you will find footnotes and articles that answer your questions. Satan has an article in the Gossary explaining the differences. There is one spelling of Satan in the Bible, but Hebrew has two spellings. See the article in Glossary. the same goes for Elohim.

            Blessings, Bill

          • I have the One New Man Bible and was disappointed in the use of “leaders” [in light of the Book of Enoch].
            page 8, footnote 3 “…In order to translate this elohim as gods, you have to believe that false gods are real and that they do father/bear children. See False gods in Glossary.” Which reads “…False gods no not have incarnate, fleshly, bodies. The false gods exist only in wood, stone, metal, or some other material, being made and fashioned by human beings and having only the qualities that humans give to them. We are not to accord any powers to false gods.”

          • Shalom Elaine,

            Thank you for writing. Do you think false gods are real? That Zeus and Artemus did live? that they are still alive? False gods exist only in man’s imagination. Elohim is used to refer to live people on occasion as explained in footnotes and Glossary.

            Blessings, Bill

  25. Hi Sir, I am Alvaro Monterroza in Quebec City, with question on Genesis 1 -21
    התנינם I am not un expert in Hebrew yet, but how can crocodile come close to whale ?

    One more, I have the Tora in Hebrew English, Hebrew French, Hebrew Spanish. How can we translate אלהים Trinity 3 beings to a singular God
    Yahvéh is his singular יהוה, by the way Yahovah is far from Yahvéh that has two syllables Yahovah has three syllables.
    YASHUAH said do not add a. ו yud or take off a yud from the word

    Thanks Al Monterroza

    • Shalom Alvaro,

      Thank you for writing. Tanim in the lexicon is serpent, sea monster. Ins Modern Hebrew it is whale, so I used whale since sea monster or serpent are so vague.Crocodile is not worth considering since is neither a serpent or a sea monster. Yahveh is good. I agree that Elohim does not mean trinity. You ate certainly on the right track.

      Blessings, Bill

    • Shalom Alvaro,

      Thank you for writing. Tanim in the lexicon is serpent, sea monster. In Modern Hebrew it is whale, so I used whale since sea monster or serpent are so vague. Crocodile is not worth considering since it is neither a serpent or a sea monster. Yahveh is good. I agree that Elohim does not mean trinity. You ate certainly on the right track.

      Blessings, Bill

  26. Dear Sir I was unable to submit a message above for some reason so posted it here;

    Dear Mr Morford,

    A few years ago I wrote requesting a possible ebook/pdf version. I can not remember if this was before or after you had started to work on this. I also purchased the digital version (smiley face) Please forgive me, but it is just my admiration for the Holy Spirit’s work through you and indeed your faithful work, diligence and obedience. Would it be possible at all, just as an idea of course, a query to do a light or compact version but not losing anything from it especially the helpful little numbers that have explanations at the bottom of each page. Anyway I was just spending some time with the Lord thanks to your accurate bible staying true to it’s Jewish Roots and power. I only recently learnt that the word Christ is not really Hebrew in origin but Greek. Thank you greatly Sir! Godbless you. Kindest Regards. Also is it possible to market it more at all in UK? Please excuse and forgive my eagerness for this Holy book!

    • Shalom Helena,

      Thank you so very much for your comments. This project has all along been a labor of love, still going on with a series of Companion commentaries. The publisher will respond to your questions.

      Blessings, Bill


    • Shalom Helena,

      Thank you so very much for your comments. This project has all along been a labor of love, still going on with a series of Companion commentaries. The publisher will respond to your questions.

      Blessings, Bill


    • Hello Helena,
      Thank you for your comment. We are not considering a compact version of the One New Man Bible at this time. I’m afraid the print size of a compact version would be so small that it would be difficult to read for most folks.

      Our exclusive distributor of the One New Man Bible in the UK is Geoffery Baile you can contact him at:

  27. Hi Bill,
    I saw you on the May 23 Sid Roth show and enjoyed the comments you made about the original languages. I have also read much of the One New Man Bible, and I read passages from it in gatherings of believers.

    Your claim about the name “James” first appearing in the KVJ version I believe is incorrect. Here is the non-spelling corrected 1534 edition of the Tyndale New Testament (Iames 1): “Iames the seruaut of God and of the Lorde Iesus Christ sendeth gretinge to ye .xii. trybes which are scattered here and there.” The letter “I” was commonly used at this time instead of “J”. Iames was simply a morph into English of the Latin name for “Ya‘akov”. Note that if one wants to be picky about it, Jacob is not correct either. The CJB transliterates the Hebrew spelling to Ya‘akov, which indicates the correct pronunciation. This is also sourced in Wikipedia: “The name James came into the English language from the Old French variation James of the late Latin name Iacomus.” — Harper, Douglas. “James”. Online Etymological Dictionary. Douglas Harper. Retrieved 15 September 2011.

    • Hi Dan,

      Thank you for writing and for all your comments. The Book of Ya’akov in the Vulgate is Iacobi. Latin has no “V” sound, so all the Vs are changed to B. Iacob is as close to Yakov as Latin can get. Iacobi is not close to James at all. The Tyndale must have changed Iacob to Iames for James I, He certainly did not get that by accident, did he? The I changed to J bringing in German J, which is pronounced like the Hebrew Yod. Originally I used the correct transliteration for the Hebrew names, but changed to traditional names because One New Man Bible is aimed at the Church.



      • King James VI of Scotland and I of England was born in 1566. James was simply the English version of Iacobi just as John is the English version of Ioannis.

        • Hi Dan

          Surely you cannot make James out of Iacobi. That does not compute. My Vulgate has Iohannnis, so you can see a relationship to John.

          Blessings, Bill

          • I found this explanation: “The English name “James” comes from the same root as the name “Jacob”: the Hebrew name “Ya’akov” (יעקב). Ya’akov was first translated into Greek as “Ιakobos” (Iάκωβος), then Latinized as “Jacobus,” which became Jacomus, and later James.” –New World Encyclopedia,

          • Hi Dan,

            Relating B to M is a figment of someone’s imagination. James is not a translation of Ya’akov by any stretch of the imagination. Iacob was not translated, but transliterated from Yaakov. How did Jacobus become Jacomus? Is there any transliteration chart showing M as the correct transliteration B? That change to M is very suspect. By that standard Obadiah would be Omadiah.

            Blessings, Bill

  28. My name is Marilyn Lake Griffin, I direct Ministries of New Life. Anna Rountree and the late Albert Rountree have worked with me in the past. MNL host 40 days of prayer each Teshuvah. We have a Convocation prior to the 40 days of Teshuvah. We have offered your Bible for several months with excellent response. I am writing to see if you take speaking engagements, if so would you have any time between Aug. 25-27, 2016? If so I would appreciate speaking with you. My phones numbers are: 913.383,3467; cell 913.302.8275

    • Hi Marilyn,

      Thank you for asking. I will give a call later today.

      Blessings, Bill

      • Hi Bill! I posted two questions today underneath a June 20, 2015 response you made on your blog. Can you please help when you can? Thanks! Nick

  29. Hi Bill,
    I have the 2011 edition of the ONM Bible. I was reading in Malachi and looking for the fourth chapter and its not there. Why?
    I have trusted you and your work and have enjoyed reading it but this was not a small thing for a whole chapter to be missing.


    • Hi Manhnaz,

      Have no fear! Every verse of Malachi is there. In the Masoretic text the 3rd chapter has 24 verses instead of going to a 4th chapter after the 18th verse of the 3rd chapter as in some bibles.

      Blessings, Bill

    • Do you have a calender guide or a that would guide me through the One New Man Bible in one year.

      • Hi Mary,

        Thank you for writing. I do not have a schedule to read through the bible in a year, but the publisher may have one on the way.

        Blessings, Bill

  30. Hi Bill
    I enjoy the Hebrew feel of this Bible. I first got acquainted with this on Sid Roth’s program where you were the guest.
    If I may I would like to share my concern over the rendering of Gen 6:4.
    There seems to be a rather sharp detour from the plane Hebrew text almost like a very poor paraphrase. To say the lest I was very disappointed. The use of the word “leaders” was totally disastrous to the meaning of this verse.

    • Hi Monte,

      In an email, you stated a preference for translating Elohim as Fallen angels, but there is no support for that anywhere. Elohim is translated false gods in Exod. 32:1 and other verses, and in Exod. 7:1 Elohim refers to Moses. In the One New Man Bible Gen. 6:4 is translated literally, not paraphrased.



  31. Hi Bill,

    Isaiah 41:8 -“(Abraham) loves me”(ONM)
    Then, even,James is wrong?
    Read: James 2:23(ONM)   “And the Scripture was filled which says, “Aḇraham believed Elohim, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness.” And he was called, “Elohim’s friend.”

    Copyright 2012 by ISR (2011-12-04 19:01:14+02:00). The Scriptures 1998 (Kindle Locations 36149-36150). Institute for Scripture Research. Kindle Edition.

    Blessisngs, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      Abraham loves Me is correct. Jacob 2:23 is the only place in Scripture where Abraham is called a friend of God. God loves everyone equally, with no favoritism, so what makes the difference in each person’s relationship with God is how much that person loves God.

      Blessings, Bill

      • Sam Kim on September 27, 2014 at 01:52
        Hi Bill,
        1. Is.41:8 – אֹהֲבִי
        You are still in error for reasons of:
        First, you said (9/3/14) “The verb is 3rd person qal conjugation, singular, present” which is incorrect.
        It is qal act PARTICIPLE, ms, ps 1cs.
        Hebrew Participle is verb- adjective behaving like noun, in this case, it is “loving” , and yod-holem pron. Suffix with noun is “my”(not “me”) as in the case of “My horse”. (Suffix for verb will be direct object of verb).
        Second, the fact that, as I pointed out before which you disagree, in the context God was clearly making a statement directly referring Abraham. Thus, the context supports above.
        Third, the fact that James (2:23) – quotes from Isaiah 41:8 and write as “called a friend of God”.,and this should be the final proof that you are in error.
        ( Beside, all the translations including Germans and English Bibles, as far as I have checked, whether liberal or conservative, have translated as “My friend”.)
        2. Incidental Questions:
        You said in your reply (9/26/14) “Jacob 2:23 is the only place in Scripture where Abraham is called a “friend of God”. Are you implying that you disapprove James’s quotation of the Isa. 41:8?
        Is there any modern scholars dare to claim a higher understanding of Hebrew Scripture than James?
        Before the change, you also had it as:.” And he was called, “Elohim’s friend” ( ONM (Kindle 1998). What prompt you to change it? Then, did you not have it all when you first published ONM?
        Blessings, Sam
        – See more at:

        • Hi Sam,

          1. What I have there is correct. You need a Hebrew verb chart.
          2. “My Friend” is traditional, but incorrect.
          3. It is true that Jacob says Abraham was called a friend of God. That does not disparage Jacob. He said that, but did not say that was from Isa.41:8.
          4. There was no ONM Bible in 1998, so you are definitely not quoting ONM.

          Sam, if you will buy a complete Hebrew verb table you will see that the One New Man Bible is correct. You are using inappropriate sources.

          Blessings, Bill

    • Hi Bill,

      1. Is.41:8 – אֹהֲבִי

      You are still in error for reasons of:

      First, you said (9/3/14) “The verb is 3rd person qal conjugation, singular, present” which is incorrect.
      It is qal act PARTICIPLE, ms, ps 1cs.

      Hebrew Participle is verb- adjective behaving like noun, in this case, it is “loving” , and yod-holem pron. Suffix with noun is “my”(not “me”) as in the case of “My horse”. (Suffix for verb will be direct object of verb).

      Second, the fact that, as I pointed out before which you disagree, in the context God was clearly making a statement directly referring Abraham. Thus, the context supports above.

      Third, the fact that James (2:23) – quotes from Isaiah 41:8 and write as “called a friend of God”.,and this should be the final proof that you are in error.

      ( Beside, all the translations including Germans and English Bibles, as far as I have checked, whether liberal or conservative, have translated as “My friend”.)

      2. Incidental Questions:

      You said in your reply (9/26/14) “Jacob 2:23 is the only place in Scripture where Abraham is called a “friend of God”. Are you implying that you disapprove James’s quotation of the Isa. 41:8?
      Is there any modern scholars dare to claim a higher understanding of Hebrew Scripture than James?

      Before the change, you also had it as:.” And he was called, “Elohim’s friend” ( ONM (Kindle 1998). What prompt you to change it? Then, did you not have it all when you first published ONM?

      Blessings, Sam

  32. Hi Bill,

    Seems there are a few problems with you, or publisher or Kindle:
    I have several screen shots with time stamp of the missing Preface and “My friend”. If you want I can email them to you.
    Anyway, I am awaiting reply from Kindle (Amazon team):
    If Kindle is right that what I have IS authorized original ONM translation, some one has to give a good explanation.

    I will response on Is.41:8 again with more concrete evidence that your translation is incorrect!

    Blessings, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      I just checked my Kindle and the Preface is there. You are right on the Abraham My friend, so I will check with the publisher to see if the latest printing can be put on Kindle instead of this older one. Sam, Abraham who loves Me is the correct translation. The early printings of One New Man had My friend because even the Brown Driver Briggs Lexicon has that, saying ohavi is a noun. It is a verb, meaning loves Me. The translation you say should be I love Abraham, but that verb would be ohavti – just check a chart in Hebrew Verb Tables.

      Blessings, Bill

  33. Hi Bill,

    I am glad that you have removed the Preface on ONM from Kindle version, at least, in which you had claimed ONM as the “most accurate and literal translation.” I wish that somehow, you would be able to retract your claims made thru other various media including Sid Roth program. Also, I noticed that you have changed Isaiah 41:8 to “(Abraham) My friend” and a few more quick changes!

    If you are considering a revision in the near future, I wish you would give a serious look at the “the Holy Spirit” renderings: The issue at hand is the distinctive usage pattern of “The Holy Spirit”, the Person and the usage of the “pneuma (hagion” and without “the” in genitive case:

    For instances: I will continue with John 20:22:

    First, I know the Imperative has aspects of “progressive, future and continues.” However, , what I have been arguing was, in John 20:22, Imperative with “aorist” active which CANNOT be the future thing.

    Also, when Jesus “breath”, and said receive (or must take-ONM) “Holy Spirit” ,was He breathing the Person, the Holy Spirit to them (John 20:22)? No. Let’s look at the verse: “και τουτο ειπων ενεφυσησεν και λεγει αυτοις λαβετε πνευμα αγιον. “ Here, “the” article is absent, and it definitely NOT the Person, rather it reminds me of Genesis 2:7 where God breathing into the nostrils of Adam.

    Are we, then, as ONM translated “take” the Holy Spirit, the Person (“the Set-apart Spirit” now?”), and seek to “must take Him continuously as your note said? No. If you believe, as you said in your previous reply, that the Holy Spirit, Person, already indwells in the believers and we are His temple, why would we need to get hold of Him again and again? And how many times?

    Another example, what Jesus refers to is NOT the Person, the Holy Spirit when He said: “ἐξ οὐρανοῦ δώσει πνεῦμα ἅγιον τοῖς αἰτοῦσιν αὐτόν (Luke 11:13). The πνεῦμα ἅγιον is equated by Jesus Himself to the “good things” (Mat 7:11) and “good gift” (Luke 11:13) which our loving Heavenly Father God wants to give to His children who ask, seek and knock.

    Almost always, in the manuscript, according to an exhaustive word study available, there is a distinctive pattern of usage of πνεῦμα ἅγιον “without the definite article and genitive case” when the word used for other than The Person, Holy Spirit. For example, δε εν πνευματι βαπτισθησεσθε αγιω (Act 1:5). This εν πνευματι βαπτισθησεσθε αγιω is equated to “the promise of Father” and endued with “power from on high(Lk 24:49; Act 4,5).

    It is my wish and prayer that the traditional, theological, and doctrinal biases and influences on the translation of this πνευμα could be overcome and a correct and literal translation of the manuscript be available to the Church of Christ. We are living in an era of the Holy Spirit but the pneumatology has greatly suffered.

    Bill, are you in the Hebraic Roots movement?.

    Blessings, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      Your Kindle version is certainly not the one we placed on Kindle. The Preface is there and Isaiah 41:8 reads Abraham who loves Me.

      You are reading some peculiar, denominational references and not seeking what the authors actually wrote in the New Testament. Your take on the Holy Spirit is incorrect, theologically twisted. Read “Truth or Tradition” in the blog. My quest is truth, not tradition and not what what men falsely call knowledge (1 Timothy 6:20).

      Blessings, Bill

  34. 1. Inversion vav noted thanks.

    2. Glad you acknowledge that the “receive” in “aorist imperative” (John 20:22) and “come out”( Mark 1:25)- in the context- is “immediate” not in the future.

    Question, then:

    -John 20:22 (ONM), you translated as – “must immediately take Holy Spirit”, but put a note: “We have to truly seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” (See my post 9/2/14). Thus, you treat it as “must continually do” (“present aorist (ref. your reply 9/3/14), not as “immediate” (aorist impr).

    (Incidentally, there is no same note for Mark 1:25. Are you going to in the future for the consistency?)

    -John 20:22(ONM) : If “He (Jesus) breathed upon them and said to them…to immediately take (the) Holy Spirit”, then:

    Did they receive “the Holy Spirit” (ONM) right there and then or are they “must continually seek” to receive?

    3. Is. 41:8: All my resources (MS,BHS,WLC and Eng.V OJB/JPS/ TS98) show and translated as: 1st person, singular, Qal, act, ptc, ms, yod suffix.
    Also, my Hebrew study references say “yod” suffix is possessive and it should be “My” not “Me”.

    Can you refer me to Hebrew study reference on “yod” suffix which support 3rd. person?

    Beside, as I pointed out (my post 9/3/14) in the context, it should be clear that God is speaker and saying: my servant Jacob, Israel, whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham my friend.

    What Hebrew manuscript OMN based or what English versions referenced? Do you know of any English version/s translated as “Abraham who loves me?

    Blessings, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      2. You have not read what I wrote. Receive is incorrect, take is right. Every imperative is for something that has not yet been done so it is future in that sense.
      3. If your sources are translating “My” they are using the verb as a noun, the traditional English translation as “My friend” but ohavi is a verb so the pronoun cannot be “My”. You sources are incorrect in using the the traditional which is from the Latin text, still in translations used today. To have God saying “I love Abraham” the verb would be ohavti, not ohavi. Check “Modern Hebrew Grammar and Composition” by Blumberg. The quote you have above has “Abraham My friend” a literal translation of the Latin text, not the Hebrew. Even Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon has ohavi as a noun, but it is a verb. God is the speaker, referring to Abraham who loves Me. A renowned Hebrew scholar gave me that translation when I asked for help on that.

      One New Man Bible used the Masoretic Text for this translation.

      Blessings, Bill

  35. Hi Bill,

    1. You are correct the verb in Ps23: v5 is Piel, not Qal. My bad.
    Re: sh’va in v6,”is translated future because it is under vav”, can you enlighten me?
    I know in Hebrew poetry, author uses the perfect tense as a way of emphasizing the complete status of the speaker’s affection. If that is what you refer to?

    2. John 20: 22 –“ λαβετε” (Aor, Impr) , You are ignoring that “Aorist” is a completed activity in the imperative moods, especially in the context where Jesus “breath” now (Indic, Aor, Act), which you also translated it as NOT in future in ONM: Mark 1:25(ONM) : “εξελθε” is same “aorist imperative” which you rightly translated as “ must come out of him at once!”, and as the result “it came out” (ONM) right then and there, not in the future!

    Incidentally, “MUST COME OUT” implies the devil can refuse, if so, Jesus may need to take another action. The “COME OUT” is more fitting to the Speaker, who has absolutely irresistible authority of Sovereign Creator Himself.

    3. Isa 41:8 – אֹהֲבִֽי (my beloved -> my friend)– In ONM, you translated as “who (Abraham) loves Me.” Here, God is speaker and the אֹהֲבִֽי is in Qal, act, ptc,ms, ps, 1cs. Therefore it is God who loves Abraham, not the reverse.

    Are you following Jewish tradition of “emendation of sopherim” and changed the translation the way you did?

    Thank you for your kind advice for further study, which I intend to do as long as I have breath in me, praying that the Spirit of the truth will guide me unto the truth that I may speak what I hear but not my own.

    Blessings, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      1. Any verb that has a vav prefix, the tense is determined by the vowel: a sh’va for future, qamats for past.
      2. An aorist imperative is to be translated “must do immediately”. The present imperative is “must continually do”. Any imperative is automatically future because it is ordering something not yet done to be done.
      3. The verb is 3rd person qal conjugation, singular, present tense, properly translated “Abraham who loves me.” The pronoun “Me” is indicated by the yod suffix. Is. 41:8 is correct while I do not know of one other bible that is. Please correct yourself before trying to find an error in One New Man Bible. I know you dislike the publisher’s claim that this is the most accurate bible, but you have yet to find one error – and all you have brought up are commonly mistranslated in other bibles.

      Blessings, Bill

  36. Hi Bill,

    Re-purchased Kindle version as you mention in your last reply.
    From a few days of reviewing, it looks though I will have many more questions about ONM, on its claim for “accurate and literal translation.”

    1. Re Psalm 23: here is the v6: אַ֤ךְ טֹ֤וב וָחֶ֣סֶד יִ֭רְדְּפוּנִי כָּל־יְמֵ֣י חַיָּ֑י וְשַׁבְתִּ֥י בְּבֵית־יְ֝הוָ֗ה לְאֹ֣רֶךְ יָמִֽים׃.
    The verb for “I will dwell” (you translated in the future form) is in same Qal,pf. form as the word “annointed” in v5. which you translated in the past form.

    2. John 20:22-“Receive (2pl.Impr.aor.act) the Holy Spirit”, you translated as ““You must immediately take the Holy Spirit.” And in your note, you said “We have to truly seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”

    The Verb Imp. aor. act” is punctiliar and denotes reception then and there and not a future event. Especially, with the word “breath” (3sing indc aor act).

    It is unclear from your translation wording and notes, if you suggesting this to be a future event?

    3. Could you comment on these grammatical alterations and inconsistencies in your translation? Why and is it still a “literal translation and most accurate” as you claim?

    Have you opened your translation notes on all such alteration in glossary or anywhere? I would like to have an access to it, if you have one.

    I will many have more questions for your clarification, as Lord willing.

    In His service,

    • Hi Sam,

      Again, my answers will be by the number for each of your comments:
      1. The verb in v. 6 is translated future because of the sh’va under the vav. The verb in v. 5 is a piel, not a Qal.
      2. The imperative is always a future, ordering something to be done. The receive is somebody’s theological stretch for a verb that means to aggressively take, to grab onto.
      3. The One New Man Bible has each of the above rendered correctly. I respectfully suggest you get back to the basics and do some more studying.

      Blessings, Bill

  37. Shalom of Yahweh to you. See now yourself, how Elohim today circumcised the heart of His people, that we may obey His voice at;
    For verily verily I say unto you, ”Ye shall know them by their fruit;…”

    • Hi Joshua,

      Thank you for writing. I looked at your interesting website. The one thing that is vague is the statement in your comment, “,,Elohim today circumcised the heart of His people..” It is each believer’s responsibility to establish relationship with God that can circumcise the believer’s heart. Only the believer himself can establish that for the circumcision of his heart.

      Blessings, Bill

  38. Dear Mr. Morford,
    In my search for the correct translation, I have discovered that there are two manuscripts that could have been translated. Bibles like the NIV, claim to use the older text, while the Geneva Bible was from a newer transcription. The older versions had not been discovered at the time. Which texts are you translating from?

    Daniel Erdmann

    • Hi Daniel,

      The One New Man Bible was translated from the Masoretic Text for the Hebrew Scriptures and the 4th Edition UBS for the Greek.

      Blessings, Bill

  39. Hi Bill,
    Thanks for your prompt response:

    1. My question on “the” was for Holy Spirit in NT, not O.T.

    2. Anyway, It has nothing to do with multiple Holy Spirit. Rather, it is about the distinction between God the Holy Spirit(Person) and impartation of His power which He has.
    In Act 1:5, Jesus said “John baptize with water” (Dative)….”soon you will be baptize with (IN fits better?) Holy Spirit (Dative) (no def. article). Here, Jesus use the “water” in parallel to ” in Holy Spirit”(w/o article), and both “Dative” for the baptism disciples would receive in not many days. Jesus equates the “baptize in Holy Spirit” with endued with “power from on high”(Lk 24:49). For a comparison, in John 16:13, “the Spirit of the truth” (n.s. neut) used with verb “elthe”(v 3 sing subj aor).

    In O.T and NT, as you are aware of, there are many instances of the Holy Spirit being “pour out or on, filled with, receive, clothed with, etc. For the obvious reason that the Holy spirit can not be split and “pour out”,etc., the referents of these particular words in the context with grammatical consideration is not the Holy Spirit, the Person.

    3.Re Psalm 23: I meant “Yashab” (Qal,pf. 1,s). At least a note to this fact would have been much preferred.

    4.Your studies and efforts will definitely shed more lights on parables and idioms, etc. and many will benefit from it.
    While agreeing with you on “the” insertion (Gen. 1:2), however, even any harmless that fits the context such insertion should be done with extreme cares and in the fears as of old Scribe.

    Still,the best is “let the Scripture speak for it self!

    4. I have some concern and reservation, especially, when you present ONM with claims:
    -“the most accurate English translation”;
    -“the power and culture of the original Bible was hijacked by the English translator”
    -focus on “one new man” (Eph 2) and your public statement that there is a deliberate efforts by other translators to hide the “Jewish root”. It is a very serious assertion in the eyes of the already critical world. We will do well if we remind our self that we only see and understand in part, and agree with Job’s confession(Job 42:5,6).

    It is one thing to present your findings in a “another commentary’ format or as a study Bible, not as the most accurate translation, above all others.
    Our best efforts and intentions will never suffice to such claims.

    Blessings, Sam

    • Hi Sam,

      Regarding 1. & 2. the same comment applies. Making a difference between the Person and the baptism is getting into a Greek, Western mind-set of intellectual arguments. Leave that to those who who thrive on intellectual knowledge of God, not heart relationship which is what the Lord wants.
      3. There is no “yashab” in Ps. 23.
      4. The most accurate claim is because we do not know of other translation that even translate Ts’dakah, Anokhi, mistranslates Resh Ayin, Y’reh, and uses by tradition translations of certain Latin words that have been in English bibles since the Middle Ages. There are other words that you will find if you get another E-version and read the Glossary.

      Blessings, Bill

  40. Dear Rev. Morford,
    First of all, my compliments for your great efforts and times you have put in.
    I bought kindle version yesterday and found a couple of issues with your translation.
    1. The major one that concerns me is that you determined to use the definite article “the” for Holy Spirit (Spirit) even where there is not in manuscripts, thus confusing, as all other versions do, the real referents: the Holy Spirit, the Person or the gifts of Holy Spirit, which He has and gives.

    2. Psalm 23: v5, you rightly translated as “anointed”, yet v6, translated the “shuv” in future tense, thus missing the David’s inner state of mind, the conviction he has been holding unto all his life. Since I returned the e-book and don’t remember if you had a foot note about it.

    3. Ephesians 6:17 & 18: In v17, the “take (receive would have been more fitting in my opinion)” is imperative and v18 begins with “dia”. Thus both verses should be in continuation, rather be disconnected. ONM, v17 ends with period, and v18 begins with capital letter T thus disconnects the flow.In my opinion, perhaps Paul is speaking that weapons mentioned in prior verses were to be received through fervent and unceasing prayer. Your translation put the v18 hanging disconnected from either v17 and v19, at least in my opinion.

    Blessings to you

    In His service,

    Sam KIm

    • Hi Sam,

      Answering your questions in order: 1. Genesis 1:2 The definite article fits the context. How many Holy Spirits do you want? 2. There is no “shuv” and I translated the tense that is in the Hebrew. Ask David why he wrote the future tense. 3. Take is the appropriate word since we are to take a strong stand, not laze back relaxed, waiting for the Lord to supernaturally equip us. That is the point that Paul is making here.

      Blessings, Bill

  41. I want an app of the One New Man Bible to download on my tablet.
    Is one coming? Or is there one?

    • Hi Martha,

      The One New Man Bible is on both Kindle and iTunes, so you should be able to download it.

      Blessings, Bill

  42. Mr. Morford:

    I really enjoy the One New Man Bible and am now using it as my primary bible. I find the glossary and footnotes to be especially helpful in understanding the Jewish roots of Christianity.

    Could you recommended a book or two that would provide additional information on life/culture in 1st century Israel, Hebrew idioms used at that time, and other information that would be useful in understanding Christianity in the first century.

    Thanks for your time.


    • Hi Dave,

      Thank you for writing. There are a number of good sources, but my favorites are The Judaic Christian Studies Center ( and the Soncino Books of the Bible, a fourteen volume set available from Jewish sources. Keep in touch.

      Blessings, Bill

  43. Dear Rev. Morford

    My wife and I really enjoy the One New Man Bible.

    In 1 Cor 14.26 the One New Man Bible it is written “has a message in tongue” I do not see the “has a message” in the Greek, can you explain why it was added in the One New Man Bible?



    • Hi Gilbert,

      Thank you for asking. The word “message” is not in the Greek, but is understood because the Greek just says “tongue”. The one word, tongue, means that someone has a message in a tongue. The literal is “..a Psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue..” so I added in italics, “a message”, because some would be baffled without that addition.

      Blessings, Bill

  44. Good morning
    I have only just come across the One New Man Bible and downloaded the sample onto both iBooks and Kindle. But I found that on Kindle if I hit Genesis it would not go to Genesis, however, that link did work on iBooks. I then found that non of your notes were present either at the bottom of each page or at the end of the books. One of the major factors about our Bible is the insights that you have gleaned and that would be my reason for purchasing it. Because of these issues I did some research and the following comment was made in November 2011 on Amazon:
    “This is a review of the Kindle edition rather than the One New Man Bible itself. This edition is NOT AT ALL user-friendly. I wish I had not spent the $20 on it, and wish to alert other people to its logistical problems.

    The table of contents has page numbers, which are irrelevant because the Kindle uses locations rather than pages. In addition, there are no links in the table of contents to any of the books.

    When scrolling through the Bible, there is no way to tell which book of the Bible one is in. Instead of the name of the book being repeated in every chapter title, it is noted ONLY ONCE: at the beginning of each book, and then doesn’t appear again, except for the book of Psalms, which has the word “Psalm” in every chapter title.

    There are somewhere around 2000 pages in this Bible in the hard copy, so a little movement of the location slider takes one a long way. It is very hard to fine-tune. I try to go forward a few pages and end up in a completely different and unidentified book. It is very disorienting.

    The only links are from footnote numbers to its related footnote at the end of the volume. Touching the number again returns one to the original source, but the return trip links don’t always work for me. In addition, many of the footnotes say, “See ____ in the Glossary” – without any link to take one there.

    This would be so much better turned into an app rather than presented as an eBook. But even as an eBook it could have been more usefully designed and formatted. Other than the links to the footnotes, no efforts appear to have been made to turn this into a useful Kindle book.”
    To buy the physical book here in the UK taking into account current exchange rates and exchange rate fees and shipping and handling makes the price well over Dollars 90 – that is prohibitive for us. Apart from the fact that being able to access the book on iPad and iPhone is much more practical for our situation.

    However, if we can’t jumped to books or access the foot notes relevant to the page we are reading on the iPad or iPhone, its going to make studying it very impractical and the footnotes are so important. Please, therefore, could you advise if these issues have been resolved before we go ahead and purchase it for our iPad and iPhone.

    Thanks for your help. Kind regards, June Thomas

    • Hi June,

      Somehow, you must have received a copy of the original bible that was just a Word file placed on Amazon. The comment you quoted about the bible is dated long before the early 2013 publication of the fully mapped Kindle and iTunes version. On those, to read any footnote you simply click on the footnote # in the text. The problems you cite should not be there. Not opening with Genesis is mysterious as I have not heard of that at all. Anyway, download the current Kindle or iTunes and you will not have those problems.

      Blessings, Bill

      • Hello again
        Just so you know, I didn’t do any research, I simply downloaded the sample versions of the Bible onto my iPad directly from both Kindle and iBooks about 5 days ago – so I don’t understand what I ended up with! However, following your advice I visited Amazon UK’s web site and can confirm they have the July 2013 version, which is wonderful news. So thank you for taking the time out to answer my query I can now go and get the Bible. Every blessing, June

        • Hi June,

          Thank you for answering. Please keep me posted on your views of One New Man Bible.



  45. Sir,
    How can I get a copy of the 21-page paper on Matthew 28:19 that you mention in the One New Man Bible?

    • Hi Carl,

      A copy will be emailed within the hour.

      Blessings, Bill

  46. Dr. Morford,
    Could you help me understand the relevancy of the Alef Tav scripture teaching! I can’t seem to grasp the meaning and purpose of the explanations I’ve heard.


    • Hi Ann,

      Thank you for this good question. Alef and Tav are used twice, mboth times in Revelation, 1:8 and 21:6;

      21:5. Then the One Who sits on the throne said, “Behold I am making all things new,” then He said, “You must now write, because these words are faithful and true.” 6. Then He said to me, “It has been done! I AM the Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the End. (Isa. 44:6; 48:12) I shall give freely from the fountain of the water of life to the one who thirsts.

      First He is stating that He is the first and the last, the beginning and the end, but there is an even more important meaning because in Hebrew Alef & Tav make another word, Et, that is placed before the direct object of the verb. That means that here He is saying that He is the object of God’s plan for all time. Also, Et is used only when the definite article is there, showing that He is the only One, only Redeemer, only One through Whom this redemption can take place.

      Blessings, Bill

  47. Bro. Morford, Do you still live in Santa Rosa Beach,Fl. I have a daugther and her family living there now. Blessings Larry

  48. Does your Bible include the original names of God in

    The various spots throughout the Bible as well?

    • The names are translated properly throughout with the exception of the tetragrammaton, which uses LORD*.

      Blessings, Bill

  49. Dear Morford I’m in Australia and I just watched you on Sid Roth’s show and I enjoyed it.It was so interesting. Can I please ask a question from you,in the new testament book of 2 Corinthians 6-14 does it really mean that we must not marry from another religion? I mean is it really talking about marriage? Thanks a lot.May God bless you sorry I mean GOD WILL BLESS YOU

    • Hi Ann,

      That is exactly what Paul is saying. Having been in a counseling ministry years ago, I can say it is important for both spouses to be on the same page with God.

      The Lord will bless you too.



  50. Thank you Mr. Morford, for your work on the “One New Man Bible”. I love it.

    • Hi Billy,

      Thank you for your comment!

      Blessings, Bill

  51. Hello, I’ve just watched all the way through the interview with Sid Roth. My question is: why would the apostle Paul make prayer shawls, when he so vigorously argues that there is no need for a man to cover his head? Surely this would make him a hypocrite, especially as he would then be selling his products to an exclusively Jewish market in order to finance his gospel calling?

    • Hi Mary,

      The man has a prayer shawl and has no need for other cover. 1 Corinthians 11 is about hair length, that a man has no need to cover his head with long hair. Read the article titled Prayer Shawl in the Glossary of the One New Man Bible. Read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 in the One New Man Bible and this will become clear. The prayer shawl Paul made was not the small scarf or wrap we see today, but was a poncho-like garment with a hole cut to fit over the head. It went from wrist to wrist and down to the knees. In John 19:23 it is described as the garment for which the Roman soldiers cast lots.

      Blessings, Bill

    • Mary: Paul was a tent maker. Morford is trying to change the truth under the guise of improving things. He is doing the spiritual equivalent of what gays do. They compare their choice of being gay with a person being born black. In Morford’s case, he is putting all bibles into the same box and comparing his heretical bible with them. He knows that the KJV is the authentic one and that his arguments are weak and unfounded. But, he knows the right words to say to deceive the gullible. Anyone with the slightest amount of wisdom will see through his heresy. The best news is that such pseudo versions of the bible will never win, be it the the NIV, ONM, etc.

      • Hi April,

        You would not be making the statements made here if you had the One New Man Bible and had read the articles on Prayer Shawl and on the sources of the scriptures. My quest is for TRUTH, not for tradition.

        Blessings, Bill

  52. Dear Bill,

    It was wonderful to watch your broadcast on ‘It’s Supernatural’ last night.

    We are a Christian family with a special love for the Jewish People. My Wife Lorna and I are sharing with all we know the special love we have for the Jewish people, our appreciation of the fact that they are the apple of God’s eye, and the sanctity of the land of Israel. We pray that we may be able to encourage others to see things the same way. It is so wonderful to see how many Jews are coming to accept Jesus as their Messiah. We are blessed to have been able to visit God’s Holy city of Jerusalem.

    We have only come to learn in the last five years or so the real significance and importance to God of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. It is interesting to mention that my wife, who is Anglo Indian and was raised a Christian, has a number of Jewish ancestors about whom we knew nothing really, but I have carried out painstaking research which has produced the family tree of Lorna’s Jewish heritage and I have also located the whereabouts of the internments of some of them in Willesden Jewish Cemetery, London, England. We have been there and taken out many pictures of the tomb stones of her ancestors and all of this was a most worthwhile experience. Blessings to you and yours in your Ministry

    • Hi David,

      Thank you for this beautiful testimony. That took a lot of effort and true perseverance to achieve your successful outcome.

      Blessings, Bill

  53. Can you please provide me with an ebook pdf version of the one new man bible? Also I know you have put alot of work into the translation and are worthy of your wage but if you have faith in your bible why do you not provide it for free online?

    • Hi Jared,

      The only way to get an ebook version is from either iTunes or Kindle. The publisher will likely some day have a free online version, but I have no control over that – when to do it is his decision, not mine.

      Blessings, Bill


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