Indexes for the One New Man Bible Companions Volumes I – IV
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Companion Volume I Index
Appreciating God ………………. |
39 |
Declares the End from the Beginning ……. |
42 |
God of Relationship ………… |
39 |
Holiness ………………………… |
42 |
The Power of God ………….. |
42 |
Covenant …………………………… |
44 |
Renewing Covenant ……….. |
44 |
Right Thinking………………… |
44 |
God, the Father …………………… |
11 |
Crowns You with Loving Kindness and Compassion….. |
11 |
Death is Destroyed …………. |
15 |
Delights in Loving Kindness |
11 |
Does Not Retain His Anger Forever ………………….. |
11 |
El Shaddai …………………….. |
16 |
Forgives, Heals……………….. |
11 |
God’s Love, Mercy, and Grace … |
13 |
Pardons Iniquity ………………. |
11 |
Passes over the Transgression, .. |
11 |
Redeems ……………………….. |
11 |
Throne of Glory………………. |
17 |
What Does God Require? .. |
18 |
Greek Text …………………………. |
51 |
Harmony of the Gospels ….. |
51 |
Hebrew New Testament Books .. |
51 |
Verb Tenses …………………… |
53 |
Hebrew Text ………………………. |
46 |
Hebrew Collective Singular |
49 |
Hebrew Scriptures ………….. |
48 |
Timeline for Samuel, Saul, David, and the Missing Ark ………………. |
46 |
Verb Tenses …………………… |
49 |
Holy Spirit………………………….. |
19 |
Is the Holy Spirit Feminine? |
19 |
Seven-Fold Holy Spirit …….. |
20 |
Awe …………………………. |
26 |
Counsel……………………. |
22 |
Knowledge ……………….. |
24 |
Might ……………………….. |
23 |
Reverence ……………….. |
25 |
Understanding ………….. |
22 |
Wisdom……………………. |
21 |
Jewish Roots …………………… |
176 |
Eve Created Equal to Adam ….. |
176 |
Gleaning ……………………… |
177 |
Hebraic Thinking…………… |
178 |
Hebraic Thinking 2………… |
179 |
Is Torah for Today? ……….. |
180 |
Lot Was Not All That Righteous |
181 |
Mankind ………………………. |
182 |
Moses Lets Pharaoh Know Who God is …………………………………. |
183 |
Never, Never, Never Fear God. |
184 |
One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand of Revelation 7 ………………… |
185 |
One New Man………………. |
187 |
Racial Prejudice……………. |
188 |
Red Heifer …………………… |
189 |
Reward for Ruth ……………
191 |
Seven Blessings in Joel…. |
191 |
Sh’ma Israel…………………. |
192 |
Symbolism …………………… |
193 |
Transgender Dressing is not permitted…………………………………… |
194 |
Two Foundations ………….. |
195 |
Two More Foundations ….. |
196 |
Two Priests ………………….. |
194 |
Urim and Tummim ………… |
197 |
Va’ethanan…………………… |
197 |
What God Hates …………… |
199 |
Willing Heart ………………… |
200 |
Messiah …………………………….. |
29 |
Anointing on Messiah ……… |
31 |
Exodus 14:13…………………. |
34 |
Hidden Prophecy of Messiah…… |
35 |
Joseph Not Father of Y’shua …… |
35 |
Melchizedek…………………… |
36 |
Messianic Prophecies……… |
30 |
Myths ………………………………… |
54 |
Abraham ……………………….. |
54 |
Abstain From the Appearance of Evil ………………………………………. |
54 |
All the People of Judea were taken to Babylon …………………………. |
55 |
Amen Means True ………….. |
55 |
Anointing Breaks the Yoke.. |
55 |
Ark of the Covenant ………… |
56 |
Can Two Walk Together…… |
56 |
David ……………………………. |
57 |
Esther …………………………… |
57 |
Every Word of an English Bible is God’s Word………………………….. |
57 |
First Fruits Offerings ……….. |
57 |
Flood as “When the enemy comes in like a flood” |
58 |
Gentile ………………………….. |
58 |
High Priest’s Robe ………….. |
58 |
Horses Were Hamstrung …. |
59 |
Isaiah 6:1 ………………………. |
60 |
Jacob Supplanted Esau…… |
60 |
Jehovah Nissi ………………… |
60 |
Joseph ………………………….. |
61 |
Judaism ………………………… |
61 |
Law ………………………………. |
62 |
Lawyers ………………………… |
62 |
Let God Arise …………………. |
62 |
Let My People Go …………… |
63 |
Liberty …………………………… |
63 |
Little Lower than Angels |
63 |
Lucifer …………………………… |
64 |
Luke ……………………………… |
64 |
Mansion in Heaven …………. |
65 |
May the LORD* Bless You………………………………….. |
65 |
Noah’s Ark ……………………………………………. |
65 |
Precept upon Precept ……… |
65 |
Preparation Day……………………………… |
66 |
Prosperity …………………………… |
66 |
Samuel’s Age That He Was a Child When God Called to Him |
68 |
Samuel’s Age When Brought to Eli……………………. |
70 |
Sea of Galilee ………………………………. |
70 |
Spirit of Fear ………………….. |
70 |
Study To Show Approval….. |
70 |
Tabernacle of David ………… |
71 |
Ten Commandments ………. |
71 |
The Giver in Romans 12….. |
76 |
We Are Kings and Priests … |
76 |
Wise Men Visiting the Infant Y’shua ………………………………………… |
77 |
Women in Ministry ………….. |
77 |
Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness ……………………………… |
78 |
Yoke is Easy ………………….. |
79 |
Your Body is a Temple …….. |
79 |
Patriarchs, Moses, Judges, and Kings…………………………………….. |
215 |
Repentance ……………………… |
202 |
Continuously Repent …….. |
202 |
Day of Atonement, Only for Sin in Error …………………………………. |
203 |
Keep the Whole Torah …… |
207 |
Ordination of the Priests … |
208 |
Seasons of the LORD* …… |
211 |
Sin in Our Lives …………….. |
211 |
Teachings ………………………….. |
94 |
Ahead of Time ……………….. |
94 |
Balaam’s Treachery ………… |
94 |
Be Diligent …………………….. |
95 |
Be Sure Your Sin Find You Out .. |
96 |
Blessed are the Merciful ….. |
97 |
Blessed are the Peacemakers…. |
97 |
Book of Life……………………. |
98 |
Bride, Wife of Y’shua ………. |
99 |
Circumcision of the Heart. |
101 |
Colossians 2:16 ……………. |
102 |
Crowds Praising Y’shua…. |
103 |
Cycles of Scripture ……….. |
104 |
Seven Cycles of the Book of Judges …………. |
105 |
David’s Reward……………… |
110 |
Deborah Prophesies Jael .. |
110 |
Do Not in Any Way be Awed …… |
111 |
Do Not Murmur; Do Not Complain…………………. |
111 |
Ebedmelech the Cushite … |
113 |
Effective Prayer …………….. |
114 |
Effective Prayer II ………….. |
115 |
Elizabeth ………………………. |
116 |
Elohim………………………….. |
116 |
End of Egypt’s Famine …… |
118 |
Eternal Life …………………… |
118 |
Faith and Works…………….. |
119 |
False Knowledge ………….. |
120 |
Firstborn ……………………… |
121 |
Fishers and Hunters ……… |
122 |
Forty-one Moves…………… |
122 |
Future Borders of Israel …. |
124 |
Gehazi the Unclaimed Miracle Healing …………… |
125 |
God in Us…………………….. |
128 |
God With Us ………………… |
130 |
Good and Bad ……………… |
131 |
Good Soil …………………….. |
132 |
Helps ………………………….. |
134 |
Hezekiah’s Destruction of an 8th Century BC Shrine ……………….. |
134 |
How Old Was Isaac ………. |
135 |
How Old Were Jacob and Esau ………………… |
135 |
Huldah ………………………… |
136 |
Immorality ……………………. |
137 |
Instructions of the Jerusalem Council…………………. |
138 |
Israel Sold……………………. |
139 |
Jethro………………………….. |
140 |
Joseph Not Recognized … |
140 |
Judah Goes First ………….. |
141 |
Judging Others …………….. |
145 |
Kingdom of God……………. |
146 |
Long Service………………… |
147 |
Love ……………………………. |
148 |
Hate ………………………. |
151 |
Mark the Saint ……………… |
151 |
Noah’s Clean Animals …… |
154 |
One Who Shares ………….. |
154 |
Pairs in Hebrew ……………. |
155 |
Parable of the Good Samaritan |
155 |
Parables ……………………… |
156 |
Patience………………………. |
156 |
Persecution………………….. |
157 |
Persistent Prayer ………….. |
158 |
Prayer of Faith ……………… |
159 |
Pruned ………………………… |
160 |
Rechabites…………………… |
160 |
Resist the Devil…………….. |
161 |
Retreat ………………………… |
163 |
River of Egypt ………………. |
164 |
Ruah in Hebrew and Pneuma in Greek ………………………………….. |
164 |
Self …………………………….. |
166 |
Separated, Distinguished. |
167 |
Tampered Scriptures …….. |
168 |
Two Jerusalems……………. |
169 |
Violent Believer…………….. |
174 |
Vows …………………………… |
169 |
Warfare in the Spirit ………. |
171 |
Where Were the Apostles When the Holy Spirit Came? |
172 |
Words ……………………………….. |
80 |
Araunah ………………………… |
80 |
Disarmed? …………………….. |
81 |
Gehenna ……………………….. |
81 |
Grafted………………………….. |
81 |
Jubilee Year …………………… |
85 |
Minister/Servant……………… |
83 |
Miss the Mark ………………… |
83 |
Omma …………………………… |
84 |
Release ………………………… |
84 |
Sanctify Yourselves ………… |
87 |
Sheshach………………………. |
87 |
Stewardship …………………… |
88 |
Take Captivity Captive …….. |
91 |
Way………………………………. |
92 |
Yak’veni ………………………… |
93 |
Companion Volume III
A Look at Several Characters 45
Insight into the Character of Jehu 45
Insight to the Character of Mordechai 50
Secondary Characters Who Were Evil 52
Doeg 52
Gehazi 54
Nabal 53
Are You In or Out 177
Avoid All Sin 177
Because Paul Wrote This to the Romans 179
Be Certain That You Are In! 178
Beelzebub 180
Book of Life 181
Fruit Matthew 7:16 182
Fullness of the Heathens (Gentiles) 183
God Knows Your Every Thought 184
Gospel Message is for Everyone! 186
Nehemiah’s Repentance and Prayer Lead to Restoration 187
Our Prophetic Season 188
Superstition is Idolatry 188
The Person Who Sins Will Die 190
Unforgivable Sins 190
Attack on the Family 222
A First Century Heathen Philosophy 224
Attack on the Family as the Core Unit of God’s Creation 222
Abortion 223
Controlling Media 223
Covetousness 222
Dumbing Down Education 223
Easy Divorce 223
Homosexual Rights 223
Open Borders 224
Population Control 223
Social Welfare 224
Threatening War 224
Early 1st Century Churches 225
God is Love 7
God loves each of us 10
Impossible Miracles 212
Fiery Furnace Did Not Injure! 216
Sharp Meeting of Light and Darkness! 213
The Earth Stopped Rotating Then Reversed Itself! 214
The Sun Stood Still! 214
The Water Was a Wall on the Right and the Left! 213
The Water Was Cut Off, but Did Not Overflow the Banks! 213
Walk on Water! 214
Jewish Roots 127
Absolute Requirement of Jewish Roots! 127
Aggressors Attacking Jerusalem, even any Part of Israel: BEWARE! 127
Biblical Calendar 128
By What Name Do We Address God? 129
Christians on Mount Ephraim Will Cry Out to Zion! 134
Crucifixion Was on a Friday 135
Do Not Oppress the Stranger 135
Earliest Revival Was Called by Jacob 136
Early Revivals Were Called for by Kings! 138
Edomites in Malachi Are with Us Today! 144
First Fruits 147
Glory for Jerusalem 152
God Visited Abraham 154
Haggai Lays the Foundation for Hanukkah 155
Hebrew Scriptures 157
Hebrew Text 158
Hidden Blessings in Psalm 91 159
Hidden Prophecy in Psalm 99 161
Iscah is Named in Genesis 11:27 163
Jewish Courts 163
Life After Death 164
Malachi Puts the Priests on Notice! 150
New Moons Are to Be Honored! 165
Restoration of Israel is Prophesied Over and Over 166
Samuel Ministers in the Tabernacle (Mishkan) 167
Shiloh Refers to Messiah 168
To Be Forgiven You Must do Something 168
Understanding Psalm 115:17 169
Where Does This Come From? 171
Judgment for Israel 17
Blessings Are Promised for Israel 17
Moses Writes the Song of the Lord 21
Judgment is For Everyone 24
Little Known Prophets 197
Agabus 204
Ahijah the Shilonite 198
Anna 204
Azariah 200
Deborah 197
Eldad and Medad 197
Gad 198
Hanani 201
Jahaziel 202
Jehu 199
John the Immerser 203
Judas and Silas 205
Micaiah 201
Micaiah and Zedekiah 202
Not named in 1 Kings 13:1 198
Not Named in 1 Kings 13:11 199
Not Named in 1 Kings 20:13 199
Not Named in 1 Kings 20:35 200
Not Named in 2 Chronicles 25:7 203
Not Named in Judges 6:7 198
Oded 203
Shemaiah 200
Simeon 204
Myths 26
Agape is a Unique Christian Love 26
Anyone Who Would Say ‘Raca’ 26
Apostles in the Bible Were Not in Offices 27
Aramaic Was the Language Y’shua Spoke 27
Asher Would Dip His Foot in Oil 27
Bible was written verse by verse 28
Blessed are the Meek 28
Blessed are the Merciful 28
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit 28
Candlestick 29
Christ May Dwell in Your Hearts 30
Deuteronomy 5:29 31
Do Not Kill in Exodus 20:13 31
Egyptian Famine Lasted Seven Years 31
Esau Said Jacob Had Deceived Him 34
Everyone That Asketh Receiveth 34
Fear of the Lord 35
Fornication in Matthew 19:9 35
Go into the Ark 35
Go, Tell Pharaoh King of Egypt 35
Joseph’s Outer Garment 36
Jot and Tittle 37
Let Him Ask from God 37
Let Him Hear 38
Let My People Go 38
Lunatic 38
Made Us Kings and Priests 39
Many-Breasted One 40
Peculiar People 40
Rebeccah Got Off Her Camel 40
Receive for Himself a Kingdom 41
Receive the Holy Spirit 41
Receive with Meekness the Engrafted Word 41
Red Sea 42
Sacrifice of Praise 42
Skirt 43
Thy Shoes 43
Whatsoever Thou shalt Bind on Earth 44
Woman Caught in Adultery 44
Nehemiah’s Amazing Ministry 194
Nehemiah Discerns a False Prophecy 194
Nehemiah Writes a Re-Newed Covenant 194
Tithe and Beyond the Tithe 195
Reluctant Leaders 218
Gideon 219
Jephthah 219
Jeremiah 221
Saul 220
Special Blessings for Israel 11
All God’s People are Blessed! 11
Israel Restored, Prophesied Over and Over 12
Zechariah Gives Ten Promises 15
Teachings 57
An Often Miss-used Scripture 57
Bibles Separating Verses Distort Scripture! 58
Caravan in Luke 2:41 58
Cut Off Your Right Hand 58
Day of the LORD* 59
Day of the LORD* Followed Quickly by Resurrection! 62
Do Not Be Dismayed at the Signs from Heaven! 63
Do Not Give Glory to Satan! 64
Do Not Read the Stars! 65
Do Not Think! The Lord Has Plans for Each of Us 66
The Old Life and the New 67
End Time Revival 69
Explaining the Greek Verbs in the New Testament 71
Faith is Shown by Ezra 73
Fear is Destructive! 74
Flay 75
God is With You When Things Are Going Wrong 75
Great Mourning 76
Guard Your Tongue! 77
Hellenists Are Made Deacons 78
Holy Habitation 79
How did Luke Know the Testimony of Gamaliel 81
Image of Jealousy from Ezekiel 82
In the Garden is a Beautiful song 83
Light is the Beginning of the World 84
Light of the Sun of Act of Loving Kindness 88
Names from Jeremiah 89
Ophel 89
Political Correctness Was Not in Vogue 90
Power of Faith, Even for a Heathen 90
Proper Handling of False gods 91
Rachel Weeping for Her Children 91
Resist the Devil and he will flee for his life 92
Resurrected Body 92
Satan’s Domain 96
See What Happens to Those Who Deny the LORD* 97
Sh’ma! You must continually listen! 71
Special Blessings for the Persecuted 98
Stewardship 100
Take, Not Receive 102
Tear Out Your Eye 104
The Name of the LORD* is not Mentioned in the Book of Esther 104
Therapeuo 104
Trouble Helps Us Grow in the LORD* 105
Vengeance is Mine, says the LORD* 105
Which is it? 107
Why did Y’shua Not Reveal Himself to Gamaliel? 111
Why did Y’shua Walk Past This Man Many, Many times? 112
Wisdom of Men is to be Avoided! 113
Tested! 206
Final Test 209
Tested by God! 206
The Big Challenge: Immorality 116
Acts 15 Gives New Christians Instructions That Sound So Simple 116
Throne of the Lord 172
The Palace of the LORD* 172
Y’shua’s Parables 228
Apply Yourself; Use Your Talent! 232
Banquet Offered, not Attended 240
Be Faithful! 238
Be Prepared! 235
Do Not Be a Hypocrite 236
Do Not Hold Traditions of Men! 236
Do Not Put a New Patch on an Old Garment 235
Fig Tree Explained 248
Good Samaritan 233
Good Shepherd 249
Lesson in Humility 239
Lost Sheep 243
Mismanaging Manager 245
Parables in the New Testament 228
Parables sometimes need further teaching 228
Parables Speaking of Explosive Growth 229
Patience of the LORD* 239
Pharisee and the Tax Collector 247
Prodigal Son 244
Prodigal Son’s Brother 244
Rich Man Who Stored Riches for Himself 238
Servants Given Ten Minas 247
Signs of the Times 234
The Rich Farmer and His Tenants 231
Unjust Judge 246
Woman and Her Lost Coin 243
Companion Volume II Index
Do Not Judge ………. | 73 |
Judgment ………… | 76 |
The LORD Looks at the Heart ………….. | 77 |
Faith …. | 210 |
All Believers Will Suffer Persecution .. | 210 |
Believe in God’s Love ……….. | 211 |
Does Y’shua say He is the Messiah … | 212 |
Everyone is Given a Measure of Faith …. | 215 |
Eyes of the LORD……………. | 216 |
Faith to Move a Mountain …. | 217 |
God Will Never Forget You .. | 218 |
Love for Enemies…………….. | 218 |
Love Hides a Multitude of Sins ……….. | 221 |
Overcoming Evil ……………… | 223 |
Peter’s Vision…. | 224 |
TAKE by Faith… | 226 |
Who Were the Objects of Y’shua’s Calls to Repentance…………… | 228 |
Y’shua in Isaiah 52:7 & Psalm 96 ……. | 230 |
First Century Israel……………… |
195 |
Apostle John ….. | 195 |
Date of Y’shua’s Birth ………. | 196 |
Did Y’shua Drink Wine……… | 199 |
High Priests Were Appointed by Roman Rulers ……… | 200 |
Hire ………………. | 201 |
Hireling …………. | 202 |
How Did Priscilla and Aquila Afford to Travel………… | 202 |
Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-22 ………. | 202 |
Lord’s Day in Revelation…… | 205 |
Pharisees Encouraged Y’shua ……….. | 206 |
Pontius Pilate…. | 206 |
Prince of the World ………….. | 207 |
Time of the Year for Y’shua’s Birth…… | 208 |
Yeshiva of Turannus ………… | 209 |
God’s Sense of Humor ………….. | 46 |
Elijah Wins Greatest Battle of His Life .. | 46 |
Heroines ……………… | 16 |
Abigail …………….. | 24 |
Canaanite Woman …………….. | 33 |
Deborah ………….. | 22 |
Esther …………….. | 30 |
Hammolecheth … | 23 |
Hannah …………… | 23 |
Hannah, a Prophetess ……….. | 32 |
Huldah ……………. | 30 |
Jael .. | 22 |
Jehosheba ………. | 29 |
Jochebed ………… | 19 |
Julia, Nerea’s Sister, and Olympia…….. | 35 |
Junia ………………. | 35 |
Leah……………….. | 17 |
Lois and Eunice .. | 37 |
Lydia ………………. | 36 |
Miriam …………….. | 20 |
Miriam, mother of Y’shua……. | 31 |
Miriam of Romans 16:6 ……… | 35 |
Miriam, sister of Lazarus ……. | 33 |
Noah’s wife and daughters-in-law …….. | 16 |
Nympha ………….. | 37 |
Persida …………… | 35 |
Phoebe …………… | 34 |
Priscilla …………… | 34 |
Pudens and Claudia ………….. | 37 |
Rachel ……………. | 18 |
Rahab …………….. | 20 |
Rebeccah ……….. | 16 |
Sherah ……………. | 23 |
Shunamite, a Woman of Great Faith …. | 28 |
Tryphena and Tryphosa……… | 35 |
Widow of Zarephath ………….. | 27 |
Jewish Roots …….. | 154 |
Against Edom … | 154 |
All Peoples are Invited to Come to the LORD ………… | 156 |
Anti-Semitism … | 159 |
Dream of Family ……………… | 161 |
Fasts of Israel … | 161 |
Future Israel ….. | 163 |
Gatekeepers ….. | 166 |
God Based His Organization on Family .. | 167 |
Hebrew Idiom: Exodus 9:33 …………… | 169 |
Hezekiah’s Renewal of Passover ……. | 169 |
His Eye Is on Zion …………… | 170 |
Holy of Holies … | 171 |
Honoring the Feast of Sukkot …………. | 173 |
How Often Should We Immerse ……… | 175 |
Jewish Exorcists ……………… | 177 |
Judah and Ephraim …………. | 165 |
Levites’ Assignments for Moving the Tabernacle in the Wilderness | 177 |
Long Life for Priests…………. | 180 |
LORD’s Attitude Toward Money………. | 180 |
Mount Ebal and Mount Gerazim ……… | 181 |
Ordination of Levites………… | 182 |
Paul Believed in the Oneness of God. | 183 |
People are Taught Torah…… | 184 |
Priests and Levites Raise Money ……. | 185 |
Salt Has Great Meaning in the Hebrew Scriptures ….. | 186 |
Source of Ezra’s Adversaries …………. | 188 |
The Outer Garment …………. | 190 |
Vows Are to be Kept ………… | 192 |
What Does Defile Us ……….. | 193 |
Without Torah…. | 194 |
Kings of Judah, the Good and the Bad ….. | 247 |
Bad Kings ……… | 251 |
Abijam……… | 251 |
Ahaz………… | 252 |
Ahaziah……. | 251 |
Amon ………. | 253 |
Eliakim/Jehoiakim ………. | 254 |
Jehoahaz …. | 254 |
Jehoiakin….. | 255 |
Jehoram…… | 251 |
Judah’s Sin . | 256 |
Manasseh … | 252 |
Mattaniah/Zedekiah ……. | 255 |
Good Kings ……. | 247 |
Amaziah…… | 249 |
Asa………….. | 248 |
Azariah…….. | 249 |
David……….. | 247 |
Hezekiah….. | 250 |
Jehoshaphat ……………… | 248 |
Joash ………. | 248 |
Josiah ……… | 250 |
Jotham …….. | 250 |
Rehoboam .. | 248 |
Solomon…… | 247 |
Mysteries …………… | 137 |
Already a Set Time for the LORD’s Coming …………… | 137 |
Bride Without Spot or Wrinkle…………. | 138 |
Did Y’shua Sometimes Not Have the Power to Heal.. | 139 |
Great Mystery in Scripture, in 1 Corinthians 15:26 ….. | 138 |
Great Mystery of Scripture… | 140 |
Heaven …………. | 144 |
He Created the Heavens ….. | 142 |
How Did Peter Know the Content of Paul’s Letters …. | 145 |
What Does Our Spiritual Body Look Like ………………. | 147 |
What Do People Who Have Visited Heaven Tell Us… | 146 |
What is the Heavenly Reward ………… | 148 |
Why are Some Being Immersed on Behalf of the Dead ……………. | 150 |
Works are Necessary ………. | 150 |
Myths …. | 51 |
Alleluia ……………. | 51 |
Christ may dwell in your hearts ………… | 62 |
Evangelize the Jew First…….. | 63 |
Everything That Has Breath Will Praise the LORD …… | 51 |
Filled with the Holy Spirit ……. | 51 |
Garden of Gethsemane .. | 52 |
His Mercy Endures Forever .. | 52 |
Isaiah 61 ………… | 53 |
It is Finished …… | 54 |
James as a New Testament name …… | 55 |
Jehovah Rapha The Lord is Your Healer……………….. | 56 |
Let All Mine Enemies Be Ashamed and Sore Vexed … | 56 |
Let All the Earth Fear the Lord…………. | 56 |
Let Him Hear ….. | 57 |
Let Not Your Heart be Troubled ……….. | 57 |
Let the Words of My Mouth and the Meditation of My Heart Be Acceptable to You… |
57 |
Lord’s Prayer ….. | 58 |
Name of Jesus… | 59 |
Only Begotten Son of God…. | 59 |
Perfect Peace …. | 60 |
Sacrifice of Praise…………….. | 61 |
Secular Year …… | 61 |
Timing of the Visit of the Astrologers to Y’shua ……….. | 62 |
Way to Escape in 1 Corinthians 10:13. | 63 |
Without Form and Void ……… | 64 |
Wonderful Counselor ………… | 65 |
Yoke is Easy …… | 65 |
Your Soul Goes to Heaven When You Die ……………… | 65 |
Orders……………….. | 231 |
Do Not Love the World …….. | 231 |
Hezekiah’s Couriers Carried the Call to Repent ……… | 233 |
Mystery Revealed ……………. | 234 |
Preach the Kingdom ………… | 236 |
Remember the First Commandment .. | 238 |
Travels of the Ark of the Covenant ….. | 239 |
Y’shua Came to Call Sinners, Not Righteous …………. | 244 |
Power of God ………… | 9 |
Creation ……………. | 9 |
Darkness ………….. | 9 |
Darkness, Something God can control . | 10 |
Extraordinary Darkness ……… | 10 |
Power ……………… | 11 |
Sun Goes Back… | 12 |
Sun Stands Still .. | 13 |
Va’ethanan………. | 14 |
Rebellion and Idolatry …………… | 66 |
Idolatry ……………. | 68 |
Rebellion…………. | 66 |
Stubbornness ….. | 68 |
Witchcraft………… | 67 |
Teachings ……………. | 78 |
Adam and Eve Sinned in the Garden … | 79 |
Amazing Series of Names in Genesis 5 …. | 80 |
A Trap for Believers …………… | 78 |
Cities, Countries, and People; names that have the letter C ……….. | 82 |
Commandments About Food . | 82 |
Compassion Relates to the Feminine Nature of God … | 83 |
David’s Rejection by His Brothers …….. | 86 |
David Takes Care of False gods……….. | 85 |
David Takes Responsibility for His Sin . | 85 |
Did John the Immerser Eat Locusts ….. | 87 |
Do Not Go After Other gods .. | 88 |
Example of God’s Knowing the End from the Beginning …………….. | 81 |
Fate of Those Taken from Jerusalem to Babylon ……… | 90 |
Get Solid Food, Not Weak Teachings… | 90 |
Goi’im ……………..
91 |
Greatest Celebration …………. | 92 |
Hide Myself in Thee …………… | 93 |
How Many Individuals of the Bible have been Confirmed by Archeology |
94 |
Isaiah 61:1-3 in a New Light .. | 96 |
Is Elisha Like the Would-be Disciple of Y’shua…………. | 95 |
J, the Letter, Was Added to the English Alphabet……… | 97 |
Judgment Seat, the Great White Throne … | 98 |
Just a Closer Walk with Thee …………… | 99 |
Made a Heathen Temple of a False God into a Latrine ………………. | 99 |
Manasseh Repents……………. | 99 |
Model Prayers in Scripture .. | 100 |
Names That Can Be Confused……….. | 104 |
Neat Take on the healing of the Woman with the Bloody Issue….. | 105 |
Nothing Can Be Hidden from God …… | 108 |
Not How Long You Have Been a Believer ……………… | 107 |
Obey the Commandments… | 109 |
Overlooked Blessings in Psalms ……… | 110 |
Power of Worship Music ……. | 110 |
Pruning is an Annual Requirement for a Vineyard……. | 111 |
Servant has a broad meaning …………. | 113 |
Servants Has Two More Meanings…… | 114 |
Shepherds ……… | 115 |
Sins are Wiped Out in Acts 3:19 ………. | 119 |
Some Gift………. | 120 |
Temptation always seems to be near . | 120 |
The Kingdom of God is Not Food and Drink…………… | 121 |
Things That Differ are the Holy and the Profane …….. | 122 |
Walking in the Light …………. | 127 |
What is Y’shua Saying in Matthew 16:18 ………………. | 128 |
Who Were the Nephilim? | 129 |
Traditions of Ours. | 131 |
All Believers are Jewish……. | 131 |
Bond of the Covenant ………. | 133 |
Traditions of Men …………….. | 135 |
Traditions We Do Not Even Realize Are Traditions …. | 131 |
Two Valid Interpretations of the Same Scripture ……….. | 38 |
Abram is Melchizedek ……….. | 40 |
Melchizedek is Y’shua ……….. | 38 |
Two interpretations about Isaac………… | 43 |
Companion Volume IV
Faith Must be Demonstrated 190
Increase Your Faith! 191
God can and does Test us but we also Test Him! 199
Prophecy Requires the Hearer to Be Responsible. 196
Test Yourself ! 202
Y’shua was Tested by the devil. 199
A Model Prayer 155
Bread of Life Does Sustain You 156
Devastating Drought 156
Encouraging Word from the LORD 157
Gates of Heaven, Portals, and Open Heaven 158
Hannah’s Song 166
Heathens Brought to Israel 167
Hidden Hebraism in the Translations of the Gospels 171
Isaac’s Prophecy over Jacob 172
Jewish Custom of Taking Care of Hurting People: 172
John the Immerser 173
Leaven Equates to Sin 173
Obvious Corruption of Scripture 174
Philistines Have not Existed for More Than 2,500 years. 174
Resurrection Brought by Y’shua 178
Reward is Certain 175
Samuel’s Judging Israel Began with Calling the People to Repentance 179
Samuel’s Sons Were a Different Story 180
Tabernacle Moves in Israel 180
The LORD*’s Concern for His People 183
Three Times in the Year You Will Keep a Feast to the LORD 183
Torah Scroll Found after Many Years signified Punishment to come 184
Treasure the Word of God 185
Compassionate 8
God Lists Some of His Divine Qualities 7
Gracious 9
Loving Kindness 9
Our Living God and Our Resurrected Messiah are One and the Same 23
Partial List of Emotions 11
Patient 9
Truth 10
Maps 203
Israel in the Time of Judges and Kings 205
Locations of Places Named in the Bible 207
Paul’s Mission Journeys 208
Sinai 204
the moves of the Tabernacle within Israel 206
Martyrs 63
Abel 67
Abner 69
Amasa 70
Antipas 73
Believers Just Before Messiah Comes 73
Defeat of Satan 66
Doeg Made Hundreds of Martyrs in One Day: They Were the Aaronic Priests and their families 67
Gedaliah and the Jews who were with him 71
Innocent Women and Their Fetuses in Gilead 68
Innocent Women and Their Fetuses in Tipshah 68
Jacob 72
John the Immerser 72
Male Infants in Egypt 68
Male Toddlers and Infants in Bethlehem 69
Prophets 71
Stephen 72
Uriah 70
Zechariah, High Priest 71
Bathsheba Was Seen Washing Herself 74
Blow the Trumpet in Zion 75
Church 75
Ebedmelech Was a Eunuch 76
Escape 76
From the Days of John the Baptist Until Now 77
God Hates Divorce 78
Israel Was a Child 79
Jeremiah was Put in a Dungeon 79
John Leaned Back Against Y’shua 80
Let him pray, let him sing Psalms 81
Lionlike Men of Moab and Moab’s Best Men 82
Little Boys Mocked Elisha 82
Longsuffering 83
Lord’s Day in Revelation refers to a change from the weekly Sabbath on Saturday 83
Merciful is the traditional translation of Exodus 34:6 84
Mordecai Was Esther’s Uncle 84
Obedience Caused Hardship for Jeremiah 92
Omissions from Ezekiel 19:7 84
Sick is Often a Mistranslation of a Word Meaning Evil 85
Sons of God Came to Earth 86
Soul is Mind, Will, and Emotions 89
The Book of Revelation is a Revelation of Y’shua 89
The Causeless Curse 90
The LORD* hates Robbery and Iniquity 83
With No Vision People Perish 91
Y’shua Took Thirty-Nine Lashes from Pilate’s Soldiers 90
Y’shua Was Being Crucified at the Same Time the Passover Lamb Was Being Killed
Jeremiah Waits Ten Days for a Word from the LORD 97
King Rehoboam Obeyed Shemaiah 98
Paul too had tough times 99
The LORD* Wants Obedience! 92
The People Reject the Word of the LORD 98
Blood 32
Boils and Blisters 35
Cattle Die 34
Firstborn 37
Flies 34
Frogs 33
Hail and Fire 35
Lice 34
Locusts 36
The Modern Counter-part of the Death of the Firstborn 38
Thick Darkness 36
Fullness of the Heathens 29
The Kingdom of God is eternal! 29
The Theme for the End-Time Revival is the Kingdom of God 24
Ahijah, Great Grandson of Eli 100
As a Youth How Would You Receive Instructions Like These? 100
As You Grow Spiritually, the LORD* Expects You to Be More Attentive 101
Avoid Contamination from the World 102
Be Strong! Use the Power That the LORD* has Given You! 107
Can Someone Live with Just the New Testament? 108
Census on Leaving Egypt and Entering the Promised Land 108
Dead Will Hear the Voice of the Son of God 111
Dedication for Real 112
Do Not Bring an Abominable Thing into Your Home! 113
Eliminate Traces of Your Former Ways 113
End of the World System 114
Even Strong Drink Can be OK 114
Feeding an Army on the Move Has Always Been a Challenge 115
Fire-pans Were Used to Carry the Coals to Start Cooking Fires 115
Firstborn of Flocks and Herds 115
Forgiveness Set as an Example for Us by Our Heavenly Father 116
Formula for Success 117
Fuller’s Field 118
God Considers the Spiritual Strength of Those Who Do His Bidding 118
God’s Rules for Kings of Israel 119
Immigrants Are to Adopt to the Ways of Their New Hosts 120
Immorality of the Heathens 120
It is Not Cruel for God to Take People Early 121
Jerusalem Will be a Curse and This House Like Shiloh 121
Jethro Was Reluctant to Go to the Promised Land 122
John the Immerser Was an Aaronite Priest 122
Joseph Acted Strangely with His Brothers 123
Judges 16:14 Paints a Strange Picture 127
Laban’s father, Nahor, went to Haran with Abram 127
Land Divided to the Seven Tribes That Were Slack in Claiming Their Inheritance
Legalism and Tradition 129
Live in the Righteous Kingdom, not in the world! 130
Location of Mount Sinai 132
No One is Perfect, so How Can anyone Make it to Heaven? 133
OK Variations 134
Paran was the First Area to which the Tabernacle moved 135
Passover Seder is Celebrated by Some on the Fifteenth of Nisan, by Others on the Fourteenth 137
Potiphar may well have been Joseph’s Father-in-law 137
Prayer of Despair vs. Prayer of Faith 138
Priests Were Not to be Pacifists 139
Rash Judgment Without Discernment 140
Reuben, Gad, and the Half-Tribe of Manasseh 144
Robustness in Spiritual Warfare is the Key to Victory! 141
Seek the LORD* With All Your Heart 145
Sinning Deliberately 146
Solomon Built Shrines to False gods of His Foreign Wives 147
Some Things Have Not Changed in Thousands of Years 146
Son of Levi Spelled Differently in Genesis and 1 Chronicles 147
Sons of Eli did not Know the LORD! 148
There is a Price to be Paid for Disobedience! 149
Three Things Must be Done; Two Things Must Not be Done 151
Troops are Commonly Referred to as “The People” in Hebrew 152
Very Strange Behavior for a Father 153
Who is to Fear the LORD*? 153
You Are Taking a Stand 152
Y’shua told one man who had been delivered from a legion of demons to go back home 154
Acacia Wood quantities are also staggering: 49
Furnishings 41
Quantities of the Metals Alone are Staggering 47
Feeble Moved at the Rear of the Israelites 53
First Murmuring for Water 58
Food and Water on the Way 58
Journeys Summarized 57
Layout of the Camp Would Have Been Like This 53
Man-hu 59
Second Murmuring was for Meat 58