Christ: Our Passover
Every year Christians celebrate Easter, but every year Jesus celebrated the Passover.
The last thing Christ did with his disciples before His Crucifixion was to celebrate the Passover, and in celebrating the sacrifice of a lamb, became the Sacrificial Lamb.
If there’s one Jewish holiday that should mean more to Christians than any other, it’s Passover.
If you are a follower of Christ, then follow Him in this. Celebrate the Passover. This Lamb delivered us from bondage and led us to the Promised Land.
Want to learn more about the Passover and what it means to Christians? Just complete your request below and we’ll send the Passover chapter of God’s Rhythm of Life: Seasons of the Lord. It’s a free gift from us.
Happy Holiday!
If your still honoring this free gift. I would love to learn more about Christ’s Passover and Christianity’s Jewish roots. Please send me the Passover chapter of God’s Rhythm of Life: Seasons of the Lord.
Thank you,
Shalom Tish,
I will email that chapter to you today.
Blessings, Bill
Thank you!
I want this bible so bad
I’d love the free teaching
Shalom Penny,
Thank you for writing. i am not sure for which teaching you are asking. If you can be more specific it will be be sent.
Blessings, Bill
I have heard from the Lord “Feast and Fast like me” I would love to see the Passover chapter. Thanks!
Shalom Kate,
Thank you for writing. Asking for the Passover chapter is unclear to me do you mean the initial command? Or do mean the description of the first Seder? Alos, consider that “Feat and Fast like me.” could be a call to honor the Seasons of the Lord, going from the Feasts of Passover and Shavuot to the fast of Yom Kippur, then quickly back to feasting on Sukkot. That is God’s Rhythm of life.
Blessings, Bill