by Akbar | Apr 19, 2015 | Daily Word
Ephesians 2:14. For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one and Who has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His flesh, 15. by His nullifying the tradition of the commandments by decrees, so that He could create the two,...
by Akbar | Apr 17, 2015 | Daily Word
Ephesians 2:8. For you are saved by grace through faith. And this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God: is not from works, so that not anyone could boast. 10. For we are His workmanship, as we have been created in Messiah Y’shua for good works, which God...
by Akbar | Apr 16, 2015 | Daily Word
Ephesians 2.1. And you, because you are dead to your transgressions and to your sins, 2. in which you formerly walked, conforming to the wicked age to which this world belongs, according to the prince of the authority of the air, the spirit which is now working in the...
by Akbar | Apr 15, 2015 | Daily Word
Ephesians 1:15. And I because of this, since I heard of your faith in the Lord Y’shua and your love for all the saints, 16. I have not ceased giving thanks concerning you, making mention of you in my prayers, 17. in order that the God of our Lord Y’shua Messiah, the...
by Akbar | Apr 14, 2015 | Daily Word
Ephesians 1:3. Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Y’shua Messiah, the One Who blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies by Messiah, 4. just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, for us to be holy and blameless in His presence in...
by Akbar | Apr 13, 2015 | Daily Word
Galatians 6:7. Do not be deceived, God is not to be mocked. For whatever the man would sow, this also will he reap: 8. because the one who sows into his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows into the spirit will reap eternal life from the...