by Akbar | Jul 2, 2015 | Daily Word
Revelation 7:9. After these things I looked, and there was an enormous crowd, which no one was able to number, from all nations and tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, who had been clothed with white robes and they had...
by Akbar | Jul 2, 2015 | Daily Word
1 Peter1:17. And if you call upon Him asthe Father, the One Who judges impartially according to the work of each, you must live the time of your sojourning in reverence, 18. knowing that you have been redeemed, not with corruptible things like silver or gold from...
by Akbar | Jul 2, 2015 | Daily Word
Revelation 5:8. And when He took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each having a harp and a gold bowl filled with burning incense, which are the prayers of the saints, (Ps. 141:2) 9. and they were singing a new song...
by Akbar | Jul 1, 2015 | Daily Word
1 Peter 1:13. On this account, you, when you have girded up the loins of your minds, perfectly calm and collected in spirit, must immediately hope upon that grace which is brought to you by the revelation of Y’shua Messiah. 14. As children of obedience, not being...
by Akbar | Jun 30, 2015 | Daily Word
1 Peter 1:3. God and Father of our Lord Y’shua Messiah be praised, the One Who has begotten us anew according to His great mercy into living hope through the resurrection from the dead of Y’shua Messiah, 4. into an incorruptible pure and unfading inheritance, which...
by Akbar | Jun 29, 2015 | Daily Word
Jacob 5:12. But above all things, my brothers, do not swear either by heaven or by earth or any other oath: but with you it must be a “Definitely yes!” or a “Definitely no!” so that you would not fall under judgment. Daily scripture passages from The One New Man...