One New Man Daily Word : John 21:25

John 21:25. And there are also many other things which Y’shua did, which if everything were written down in one document, I do not suppose the world could make room for the books that would be written. Daily scripture passages from The One New Man Bible


Deuteronomy 6:4.“Listen! Obey, O Israel! The LORD* is our God! The LORD* is One! 5. And you will love the LORD* your God with all your heart, with your very being, and with all your might. (Matt. 22:37, Mark 12:33, Luke 10:27) When Y'shua was asked what was the most...


Often people think their Soul goes to Heaven but that is not the case. The confusion comes from the Greek philosopher Plato whose writings were brought into the Church in the fifth century by Augustine. That definition of Soul as...

Good Soil

Good Soil produces good fruit, but what about the parables of the sower? Matthew 13.1. In that day, after He left the house, Y’shua was sitting by the lake: 2. and immense crowds were gathered to Him, so that He got in a boat and sat down, and the entire crowd stood...

Weekly Torah Readings: Vayishlakh

(from One New Man Bible translated by William Morford) Vayishlakh Meeting Esau 32:4. And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother to the land of Seir, the country of Edom. 5. And he commanded them saying, “Thus will you speak to my lord Esau, ‘Your servant...

Prophetic Word of the Birthplace of Y’shua

Messianic Prophecy Pointing to Y’shua that is sometimes not recognized. Micah 4:8. And you, Tower of the Flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, it will come to you, even the first dominion. The king­dom will come to the daughter of Jerusalem. 9. Now why do you...

David was a Barely a Teenager When He Fought Goliath

David was barely a teenager when he fought Goliath is a Myth, although he is shown in many illustrations as very young. That comes from the Latin text which calls David a child, a miss-translation of the Hebrew, which calls him a young man. David was at least...

Anointing Breaks the Yoke is Myth

Anointing Breaks the Yoke is a Myth. The literal translation is: Isaiah 10:27. And it will be in that day, his burden will be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of your robustness. There is not a...

Abstain from the Appearance of Evil is a Myth

Abstain From the Appearance of Evil is a myth because that is not a translation of the Greek New Testament or of the Vulgate. Both of those agree with the following: 1 Thessalonians 5:19. You must habitually not ever quench the Spirit, 20. you must continually not...