One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 12: 48

Matthew 12: 48. And He said to the one speaking to Him, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49. Then stretching out His hand to His disciples He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers. 50. For whoever would do the will of My Father, the One in the heavens,...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 12:36

Matthew 12:36. And I say to you that every idle word which men will speak will be paid back with regard to his account on Judgment Day: 37.for you will be justified, declared righteous, because of your words, and you will be condemned because of your words.” Daily...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 11:28

Matthew 11:28. Come to Me all those who work and are burdened, and I shall give you rest. 29. You must immediately take My yoke upon you and you must now learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in My heart, and you will find rest in your lives: 30.for My yoke is...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 6:19

Matthew 6:19. “Do not gather treasures on the Earth for yourselves, where moth and rust are destroying and where thieves break in and steal: 20.but build up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 5:18

Matthew 5:18. For truly I say to you: until the sky and the Earth would pass away, not one yod or one vav could ever pass away from the Torah (Teaching), until everything would come to pass. 19. Therefore, whoever would break one of the least of these commandments,...

One New Man Daily Word : 4:17

Matthew 4:17. From then on Y’shua began to preach and to say, “You must continuously repent: for the Kingdom of the Heavens has come near.” Daily scripture passages from The One New Man Bible

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 1:23

Matthew 1:23. “Behold the virgin will be pregnant and will bear a son, and they will call His name Imanuel.” which is translated “God with us.” 24. And after Joseph rose from his sleep he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and he took his wife, 25.but he did...

One New Man Daily Word : Psalm 8: 6

Psalm 8: 6. For You have made Him a little lower than God and have crowned Him with glory and honor. 7. You made Him to have dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things under His feet: 8. all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field, 9. the...