William Morford WGGS TV Interview

Rev. William Morford was on WGGS TV's Niteline show recently. He explains the history of how he came to translate the One New Man Bible and some fascinating discoveries in the biblical Hebrew. We excerpted the best in the video below.    ...

One New Man Daily Word : John 10:14

One New Man Daily Word : John 10:14

John 10:14. I AM the Good Shepherd and I know Mysheep and My sheep know Me, 15.just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father, and I lay down My life on behalf of the sheep. 16. But I also have sheep that are not from this sheepfold: and it is necessary for Me to...

One New Man Daily Word : John 10:11

John 10:11. I AM the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life on behalf of His sheep: 12.and the hireling, not being a shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming and he leaves the sheep and flees – and the wolf seizes and scatters them –...

One New Man Daily Word : John 5:30

One New Man Daily Word : John 5:30

John 5:30. “I am not able to do anything by Myself: I judge just as I hear, and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My will but the will of the One Who sent Me.” Daily scripture passages from The One New Man Bible

One New Man Daily Word : Luke 12:15

Luke 12:15. And He said to them, “You must continually understand and guard yourselves from all covetousness, because someone’s life is not abundant from his possessions.” Daily scripture passages from The One New Man Bible

One New Man Daily Word : Mark 16:5

Mark 16:5. And after they entered the tomb they saw a young man sitting on the right side wearing a white robe, and they were distressed. 6. And he said to them, “Stop being distressed! You are seeking Y’shua of Nazareth, the One Who was crucified: He is risen, He is...

One New Man Daily Word : Mark 11:25

Mark 11:25. And when you are standing praying, forgive whatever you have against anyone, in order that your Father Who is in the heavens would forgive you your trespasses. Daily scripture passages from The One New Man Bible

One New Man Daily Word : Mark 11:22

Mark 11:22. And Y’shua said to them, “You must have faith in God. 23. Truly I say to you that whoever would say to this mountain, ‘You must immediately be removed and you must immediately be cast into the sea,’ and would not doubt in his heart but would believe that...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 28:18

Matthew 28:18. Then when Y’shua came He spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and upon the Earth. 19. Therefore when you go, you must now make disciples of all the heathens, 20.teaching them to keep all the things that I have been...

One New Man Daily Word : Matthew 22:

Matthew 22: And He said to him, “‘You will love the Lord your God with your whole heart and with your whole being (Deut. 6:5) and with your whole mind: 38.this is the greatest and first commandment. 39. And the second is like it, ‘You will love your neighbor as...