One New Man Daily Word : Luke 12.1

One New Man Daily Word : Luke 12.1

Luke 12.1. Meanwhile as the crowd of so many thousands gathered, so they trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first, “You must be on guard for yourselves from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2. But there is nothing that has been...

One New Man Daily Word : Luke 2:8

One New Man Daily Word : Luke 2:8

Luke 2:8. And shepherds were in this field, living out of doors and keeping watch by night over their flock. 9. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared a great fear. 10. Then the angel said to them, “You...

Weekly Torah Readings: Toldot

(from One New Man Bible translated by William Morford) Toldot 25:19. And these are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham’s son: Abraham begot Isaac: 20. And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebeccah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padanaram, the...

One New Man Daily Word : Isaiah 9:5

One New Man Daily Word : Isaiah 9:5

Isaiah 9:5. For unto us achild is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government is upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonder, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. 6. Of the increase of His government and Shalom there will be no end,...

Weekly Torah Readings: Vayeira

(from One New Man Bible translated by William Morford) Vayeira 18.1. And the LORD* appeared to him in the plains of Mamre and he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day. 2. And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and there were three men standing by him. And...

Weekly Torah Readings: Noah

(from One New Man Bible translated by William Morford) Noah 6:9. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. 10. And Noah begot three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11. The whole earth was corrupt before God...

Death is Destroyed!

El Shaddai, commonly translated God Almighty, speaks of the awesome power of our God. Nothing is too difficult for Him, too hard for Him. His arm is never too short. El Shaddai is introduced in Genesis 17:1. Genesis 17:1. And when Abram was ninety-nine years old, the...

Weekly Torah Readings: Yom Kippur

(from One New Man Bible translated by William Morford) Yom Kippur A.M. 29:9. “You are taking a stand this day, all of you, before the LORD* your God; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of Israel, 10. your little ones, your...