In Paul’s context “law” was legalism
Law is a Myth, as in “We are not under Law but under Grace.”
Law is a totally misleading translation of the Greek word nomos. While nomos generally is translated Torah, in this context, Paul is not referring to Torah, but another meaning of Nomos, Legalism.
The translation of the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word Nomos as Law has done great damage to the Church, giving Christians a very distorted view of God’s teachings.
Romans 6:14. “For sin will not rule you: for you are not under legalism but grace.”
Mark 8:14. “And they forgot to take bread, except one loaf they had in the boat with them. 15. And He ordered them saying, ‘You must continually take care, you must continually beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.’”
The leaven of the Pharisees was Legalism, the leaven of Herod was Hellenism.
(See both Legalism and Hellenism in the One New Man Bible Glossary.)
Thank you so much. This is so very affirming and fits so much with what God has been teaching me through the years. Really, legalism is a form of hypocrisy: believing that apart from God, we can be perfect and that we can complete ourselves and others by “sticking to the rules”. But it’s only the Spirit of God that can give us a godly understanding of the law and a desire to walk in the way of Christ, moment by moment, as the Spirit completes and perfects us in Christ Jesus, bringing to remembrance what He has already spoken at the perfect times to lead us to returning and resting in Him.
Shalom Anna,
Right again! You are so Righ!
Blessings, Bill
Meanwhile, the crowds grew until thousands were milling about and stepping on each other. Jesus turned first to his disciples and warned them, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees–their hypocrisy.
According to Jesus, the yeast the P. Is hypocrisy, not legalism.
Further, ‘legalism’ appears in zero instances when I look up ‘nomos’ in the Greek Lexicon. The word simply means ‘law’s. And, whether you want to interpret that law to be Torah, or law in general, the meaning is clear, it’s effect the same, and you yourself run the risk of becoming a liar if you’re changing the Word of God to your own personal design.
Shalom Ben,
Thank you for writing. The New Thayer Greek-English Lexicon lists the definition I have used first. The Bauer, Arndt, and Gingrich Greek-English Lexicon has a full page and a half of meanings for Nomos.
Blessings, Bill