Two Foundations

The Greek New Testament translates two very different words as Foundation. These are: Themelios, which always refers to the foundation of a building, whether it is a home, a public building or a city wall. This is a foundation laid out by men, square, rectangular,...

Importance of Hebrew Scriptures

Hebrew Scriptures are referred to hundreds of times in the New Testament. Every time a New Testament author says “It is written” he is referring to the Hebrew Scriptures. Y’shua said in Luke 8:21 And He said to them, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear and...

Babylonian Captivity

The Babylonian Captivity is often misunderstood. When it is referred to in Revelation 13:10 it has sometimes been translated inappropriately as slavery or enslavement instead of as captivity. The correct, literal translation is: “if someone is to go into captivity, he...


Footstool is a tough place for an enemy to be. The LORD* says to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.’ (Ps. 110:1) Y’shua referred to this several times, in Matt. 22:44, Mk. 12:36, Lk. 20:43, and others. The full meaning of making...

Women of the First Century Church Part 1

Women of first century congregations were in positions of leadership, even over men. There are passages in the New Testament needing clarification, especially in Paul’s letters to Corinth and Ephesus. To Corinth Paul wrote, The wives must be silent in the...