by | Nov 8, 2017 | Bible Myths, Blog, Uncategorized
Law is a Myth, as in “We are not under Law but under Grace.” Law is a totally misleading translation of the Greek word nomos. While nomos generally is translated Torah, in this context, Paul is not referring to Torah, but another meaning of Nomos, Legalism. The...
by | Oct 31, 2017 | Bible Myths, Blog, Uncategorized
Noah’s Ark has been represented many times by a cute little boat with animals on deck, especially elephants and giraffes. This is not at all what the Ark looked like. It was box, a big box, with three interior decks and just one window high on the side. This box was...
by | Oct 26, 2017 | Bible Myths, Blog
The idea of having a Mansion in Heaven is a Myth because the Latin word “Mansiones” was not translated, but put in the Bible as Mansion. “Mansiones” does not mean Mansion, but it means a place, like a place in an organization or on a team. It...
by | Oct 18, 2017 | Bible Myths, Blog
Jacob Supplanted Esau. Jacob has been much maligned because of Esau’s referring to Jacob as having supplanted him. That is the Myth because the Hebrew text does not say Jacob supplanted Esau. How come some new translations still have supplant? That is tradition from...
by | Oct 11, 2017 | Bible Myths, Blog, Uncategorized
The idea that horses were hamstrung by Joshua’s and David’s men is a myth. Although some translations of the Hebrew Scriptures say they were hamstrung, the accurate translation is that they were gelded. Joshua 11:6. And the LORD* said to Joshua, “Do...