This sturdy and economic edition of The One New Man Bible is printed and bound in the same size, text and quality paper the synthetic leather bound edition, but with a durable hardcover binding. Great for daily use as a study Bible!
The One New Man Bible brings a greater understanding of and appreciation for the power given to believers for their daily walk. The Jewish Roots of Christianity come to life in The One New Man Bible. Hebrew is a very expressive language, so this translation brings out much of the power that has commonly been omitted from traditional English translations.
Ephesians 2:14: For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one and Who has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His flesh, 15. by His nullifying the tradition of the commandments by decrees, so that He could create the two, Jewish and non-Jewish, into One New Man, establishing peace 16. so He could reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, as God killed their enmity by means of Y’shua. 17. And when He came He proclaimed the Good News of peace to you, to those far away, and peace to those near: 18. because through Him we both have the introduction to the Father by means of one Spirit. 19. Therefore then, you are no longer aliens and strangers, but you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God, 20. building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Y’shua being His cornerstone, 21. in Whom the whole building being constructed is being fit together into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22. and in Whom you are built together into a habitation of God by the Spirit.
This passage, a letter originally written to Gentiles and former heathens, tells us that all are to worship the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, The King of the Universe, the God Who became flesh and walked among us.
The One New Man Bible will help the Church understand and appreciate its Jewish Roots, and finally recognize that Y shua (Jesus) was born Jewish, that He grew up Jewish, and that He is the same today as He was then. (Hebrews 13:8) Readers will understand that the Scriptures Y’shua, and every New Testament author, embraced (irreverently called Old Testament by the Church) are alive and relevant for believers today. As a proof of God s perfect plan for His perfect Word, readers will discover that Matthew flows, as if a continuous stream, out of the book of Chronicles. Only God could have done this!
The One New Man Bible has been written to help present day believers move toward God’s perfect plan to create One New Man, bringing Jewish and non-Jewish together. The Hebrew Scriptures are in the traditional Jewish book order, and although different from the Christian book order, it is easy to learn the sequence. This Bible is very easy to read through, Genesis to Revelation. Scripture translated with the power and meaning of the original language intact comes alive!
One early surprise is in Genesis 12:1 when God does not say Go to Abram, but Get yourself out of here! Later He tells Moses to order Pharaoh to Send My people away! instead of pleading Let My people go. These passages are the literal translation from the Hebrew.
The One New Man Bible includes more than 4,000 footnotes and the massive one hundred seventy page Glossary describes various first century Jewish customs and explains Hebrew Scriptures, such as Leviticus 14, which on the surface is about cleansing a leper, but has a much deeper meaning. Many Jewish sources were studied to bring the Scriptures to life, including many modern as well as ancient Jewish commentaries. Those studies bring real depth to the subjects in the Glossary, but even more importantly they give insight into the thinking of the New Testament authors, the Apostles, and especially Y’shua. It is important for those of us reading in the twenty-first century to understand what a word or expression meant to those who wrote the passages in Bible times.
Greetings!! I am so blessed and excited to discover the O N M Bible. Others have also lauded its benefits and enlightenments.
… I feel I must share a concern. In buying used copies for myself and my daughter from different vendors through Amazon hoping to save money, we ended up with different versions. Mine with printing date of 2011. Hers with 2017. Is there a big enough benefit to lay aside mine and order a new edition for myself?
am interested in buying this Bible , am from India by name Chethan.S also let me know to whose name shall i post the MO and the address also for both the Bible and the commentary
I live in Germany how do get this Bible?.
Shalom Gina,
Please email the publisher:
Hello Gina,
You can order the One New Man Bible via our online store; we ship internationally.
Thanks and Blessings,
Please update us when the 2016 ONMBible will arrive? Thanks and Blessings, Jans
Shalom Jans,
The 2016 Edition will be announced by Sid Roth in April, but I do not know the date.
Blessings, Bill
Hello Bill,
I had read somewhere that there will be an upcoming 2016 edition of the ONM Bible this year with updated text and glossary notes. If so, at what point will we expect its arrival?
Lastly, would you consider in making a wide-margin ONM Bible with thicker paper for personal notes and insights?
Hi Norman,
Those are questions for the publisher. I do not know the answer to either question. All I can say is that each printing has changes that I send monthly, including Glossary articles as the Lord leads. The next printing will have a raft of new Glossary articles, but I have no idea when that will be.
Blessings, Bill
Hi R. Barney,
The font is Times New Roman 11, which does qualify as large print. Check it on your computer to see if it is large enough for your need.
Blessings, Bill
1. Could you clarify the price of durable hardcover binding?
2. Are there old and new testament in the ONM bible?
3.How will I buy ONM bible from Mongolia?
Hi Enkhee,
Thank you for writing. 1. The price of the hardcover is now $39.95. 2. The ONM Bible has both Hebrew (Old) Testament and New Testament.
3. For sales in Mongolia, the question needs to be answered by the publisher, so I am emailing the question to him.
Blessings, Bill
love this bible especially the glossary, it explains alot of things and is very easy to understand and gets you to dig even deeper into the scriptures.I recommend this Bible to everyone
Hi Sophia,
Thank you!
Blessings, Bill
Have you had any comments about the ink used? Strange question, sorry,
but I find some bibles make my nose swell inside and my eyes sore. I often have to settle for the more expensive ones tho avoid smelly ink, but you’ve elected to keep the costs down, so I wondered whether that included the printing too, which can bring the chemical smell into the foreground for me!
Also, please, what will be the difference between this and the new edition hitting the shelves later this month?
Thank you
Hi Belinda,
Thank you for writing. The first question is one not heard before, but so far there have been no complaints. The printer for this edition prints more bibles than any other printer in the world, so it would seem the ink is OK.
The new edition has about thirty-some pages more in the Glossary, plus hundreds of changes in the text, mostly small changes, but some added footnotes. The new Glossary articles are very interesting.
Blessings, Bill